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Venue : Prince George´s Park Residences
27 Prince George´s Park
Kent Ridge Campus, National University of Singapore
Thursday 4th February 2010
AM (8.30am -12.30pm)
PM (1.30pm - 5.30pm)
W1A1: Formulating and Writing Learning Outcomes
Matthew Gwee, Dujeepa D Samarasekera, Tan Chay Hoon

Venue: Function Room 1
W1P1: Assessment in Basic Medical Science
Matthew Gwee, Dujeepa D Samarasekera and Tan Chay Hoon

Venue: Function Room 1
W1A2: Standardised and Simulated Patients - The Student, The Actor and Their Videotape
Jan-Joost Rethans and Jan van Dalen

Venue: Function Room 2
W1P2: Quality Assurance and Quality Enhancement: Approaches, Models and Perspectives
Judy McKimm

Venue: Function Room 2
W1A3: The Academic Mission and Quality of Healthcare - The Role of Leaders and Managers
Thomas H Aretz

Venue: Function Room 5
W1P3: Simulation Based Learning: Basic Instructors´ Course

Nicola Ngiam, Gerald Chua and Tan Eng Kien

Venue: Function Room 3
W1A4: Designing and Implementing Effective Faculty Development Programmes in Medical Education

Zubair Amin

Venue: Function Room 4
W1A5 : Simulation In Preclinical Medical Education

Emily M Hayden

Venue: Function Room 3
W1P4: Integrating Communication Skills in Health Professions Training - Communication Skills: One Side of the Coin
Jan van Dalen

Venue: Function Room 5

Friday 5th February 2010

AM (8.30am -12.30pm)
PM (1.30pm - 5.30pm)
ESME Pre-Conference Course - Session 1
Ronald M Harden, Matthew Gwee, Zubair Amin and Dujeepa S Samarasekera

Venue: Function Room 1
ESME Pre-Conference Course - Session 2
Ronald M Harden, Matthew Gwee, Zubair Amin and Dujeepa S Samarasekera

Venue: Function Room 1
W2A1: Assessment Strategies in Medical Education: Making Context-Driven Evidence-Based Decisions
Kevin Eva

Venue: Function Room 2
W2P1: Workplace Based Assessment

John Norcini

Venue: Function Room 2
W2A2: Medical Professionalism: Can It Be Taught? Can It Be Assessed?
Alastair Campbell, Erle Lim, Tan Chay Hoon and Jacqueline Chin

Venue: Function Room 4
W2P2: Designing a Competency-Based Selection Process for Healthcare Education Courses
Gominda Ponnamperuma and Indika Karunathilake

Venue: Function Room 4
W2A3: Using Simulation as a Tool to Integrate Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes in Healthcare Professional Education
Paul Phrampus, Chen Fun-Gee and Siau Chiang

Venue: Function Room 5
W2P3: Improving the Quality of Clinical Education for Students and Clinicians
Jillian Brammer

Venue: Function Room 5
W2A4: Connecting With The Clinical Teacher

Steve Trumble

Venue: Function Room 3
W2P4: Tips on Publishing in Top Medical Education Journals

Kevin Eva

Venue: Function Room 3
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Last updated on 7 November, 2009