

Day 1 : Saturday 21 February 2009
8.00am Registration Foyer LT 27
9.00am Opening Ceremony

Welcome Address
Zubair Amin, Chairman, Organising Committee
9.05am Opening Address
Associate Professor Benjamin Ong, Chief Executive
National University Health System
9.30am Lecture 1 - Future Directions for Medical Education:
Recommendations from the Carnegie Study on the Preparation of Physicians

(David Irby USA)

Moderator : Matthew Gwee, Singapore
LT 27
10.15am Tea Break Foyer LT 27
10.45am Lecture 2 - There Is No Such Thing As Curriculum Development - Only Staff Development! Recruiting, Retaining, Re-Energising, Recognising and Rewarding Teachers to Fulfill the Institutions' Education Mission in the 21st C
(Ronald Harden, UK)

Moderator : David Koh, Singapore
LT 27
FAIMER Forum: "Developing the Field of Medical Education in India"

FAIMER Regional Institutes: Meeting Faculty Development Needs of Mid-Level Educators
(Thomas V Chacko, India)

Bridging the Gap-Online Discussions for Faculty Development in Resource Constrained Settings
(Tejinder Singh, India)

FAIMER Fellows in India : Demonstrating Field Leadership
(Rashmi Vyas, India)

Moderator :Jeremy Lim, Singapore
Free Communications
Session 1 Session 2

FAIMER Forum -
LT 27

Session 1 -
LT 28

Session 2 -
LT 29
1.00pm Lunch

Moderated Poster Judging & Viewing

ESME Participants - Feedback with Faculty

Ronald Harden, Matthew Gwee & Zubair Amin
Foyer LT 27

Foyer LT 27

Seminar Room 10
2.30pm Lecture 3 - Energising Medical Sciences Education: Recent Developments in Physiology, Pharmacology and Histology Teaching
(Judy Harris, UK)

Moderator Hooi Shing Chuan, Singapore:
LT 27
3.15pm Lecture 4 - Promoting Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Through Faculty Development
(Daphne Pan, Singapore)

Moderator: Eugene Liu, Singapore
4.00pm Tea Break Foyer LT 27
4.30pm Lecture 5 - Trends and Innovations in Australian Medical Education: The Way Forward
(Elizabeth Farmer, Australia)

Moderator:Dawn Schocken, USA
LT 27
5.15 pm Proceed to Conference Dinner Venue - TBC
9.00 pm End of Conference Dinner  

Day 2 : Sunday 22 February 2009
8.30am Registration Foyer LT 27
9.00am Lecture 6 - Lessons Learned in Assessment
(Cees van der Vleuten, The Netherlands)

Moderator: Ho Khek Yu, Singapore
LT 27
9.45am Lecture 7 - Technology and Pedagogy in Developing Innovative Curricular Approaches and Activities
(Anca Stefan, USA)

Moderator: Dujeepa Samarasekera, Singapore
10.30am Tea Break Foyer LT 27
11.00am Lecture 8 - Energising Medical Education Through Simulation: Powering Minds, Not Just Machines
(Ross Scalese, USA)

Moderator: Nicola Ngiam, Singapore
LT 27
11.45am Lecture 9 - Transparency, Engagement and Empowerment: A Three - Pronged Approach to Curriculum Reform and Management
(Zubair Amin, Singapore)

Moderator: Tham Kum Ying, Singapore
12.30pm Lunch

Poster Viewing

ESME Participants - Feedback with Faculty

Ronald Harden, Matthew Gwee & Zubair Amin
Foyer LT 27

Foyer LT 27

Seminar Room 10
1.45pm "Future Leaders' Forum"
  • Bridging the Gap: Getting Knowledge into Practice: Opportunities and Challenges for Medical Educationalists
    (Dujeepa Samarasekera, Singapore)
  • Priorities and Strategies for Capacity Building to Improve Health Sciences Education Systems in Developing Countries
    (Payal Bansal, India)
  • Innovative Approaches in Assessing Medical Performance
    (Cherdsak Iramaneerat, Thailand)
  • Navigating Health Professions Education Towards Improved Health Outcomes
    (Nomar Alviar, Philippines)
  • Energising Medical Education Reforms in Sri Lanka: Emerging Leadership Roles
    (Indika Karunathilake, Sri Lanka)

    Question & Answer

    Moderator: John Tam, Singapore
LT 27
3.45pm Tea Break Foyer LT 27
4.15pm Lecture 10 - The Classroom Is Evaporating - Or Is It?
(Allison Rossett, USA)

Moderator : Robert K Kamei, Singapore
LT 27
5.00pm - 5.30pm Presentation of Awards for Best Oral and Best Poster Presentations & Closing Ceremony
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Last updated on 4 September, 2008