Trade Exhibition

On behalf of the Organising Committee, we invite you to consider the partnership opportunities available for your industry to network with the participants. A copy of the partnership response form is enclosed. We welcome new ideas and proposals from you, our valued partners, to make this Conference yet another resounding success.

Please contact the Secretariat for more details or further clarification:
The Conference Secretariat
Medical Education Unit
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
National University of Singapore
Block MD 11 #01-08
Clinical Research Centre, 10 Medical Drive, Singapore 117597
Tel : (65) 6516 1048     Fax : (65) 6872 1454     Email :

Attached too is the updated Partnership Response Form to be used.
We look forward to your active partnership in the 6th APMEC 2009 !

Thank you
With best wishes
Dr Zubair Amin
Chairperson, Organising Committee 6th APMEC 2009
Enc : Partnership Response Form


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Last updated on 4 September, 2008