Dear Colleagues,
Warmest Greetings to you.
We are delighted to share that Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2024 is going to be held outside of Singapore for the first time. It will be held in a hybrid format.
This exciting event will be co-organised by the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, with the Centre for Medical Education (CenMED), Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, together with a local partner in Sri Lanka, The College of Medical Educationists.
On behalf of the Organising Committee, it gives us great pleasure to invite you to join us at the first international hybrid Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) from Monday 15th to Sunday 21st January 2024. We have specially chosen our theme as, "AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Health Professions Education - Trends ● Issues ● Priorities ● Strategies (TIPS)".
As with previous APMECs, we have invited distinguished medical and healthcare professional educators to share their experiences, expertise and wisdom.
The past two decades have seen the conference grow and evolve from 190 participants to over 1,500 participants from nearly 40 countries. We thank you for your continued contributions and tireless efforts to support APMEC throughout the years. As a result, we have made a tremendous impact on our communities and played a part in shaping their future in healthcare.
We look forward to your participation and to welcoming you to APMEC in January 2024.
With best wishes,
20 Dec2023