Dear Colleagues,

We hope you are keeping well. Due to the COVID-19 situation, we regret to inform you that we will be shifting the Kuala Lumpur meeting which was originally planned for 2021 to 2022.

The Organising Committee of APMEC 2021 and the Centre for Medical Education (CenMED), Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, National University Health System, invite you to join us at the first virtual Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2021 from Friday 22 to Sunday 24 January 2021.

We have specially chosen our theme as "Continuing Medical Education: Building Resilience in Challenging Times - Trends ● Issues ● Priorities ● Strategies (TIPS)".

The conference focus will be to explore and share expertise on how best to develop a holistic healthcare practitioner who will be able to effectively and efficiently manage future practice challenges during challenging times. We have chosen the conference tracks and interprofessional activities to cover undergraduate, residency and speciality training and Continuous Professional Development.

The Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference has grown and strengthened over the years. It is now in its 18th year attracting participants, not only from the Asia-Pacific region, but also from around the globe. For our APMEC 2020, we had close to 1,200 medical and healthcare professionals from over 39 countries. We hope to see a strong participation in 2021. As with previous APMECs, we have invited distinguished medical and healthcare professional educators to share their experiences, expertise and wisdom.

On behalf of the Organising Committee, it gives me great pleasure to invite you to join us at our virtual conference.

I look forward to your participation and to welcoming you to a virtual APMEC in January 2021.

With best wishes

Dujeepa D Samarasekera
Chairman, Organising Committee APMEC 2021
Senior Director, Centre for Medical Education (CenMED)
NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
Director, Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning (CDTL)
National University of Singapore


Participating Partners