Preliminary Program

Pre-Conference Workshops & Special Courses (Wednesday, 10 Jan 2018)

MD1 - Tahir Foundation Building, Block MD1, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, 12 Science Drive 2, Singapore 117549
MD6 - Centre for Translational Medicine (CeTM), Block MD6, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, 14 Medical Drive, Singapore 117599
Full Day: 8.30am – 5.30pm

Essential Skills in Medical Education (ESME) Course (Session 1)
Ronald M Harden, Matthew C E Gwee, Dujeepa D Samarasekera, Poh-Sun Goh and Tan Chay Hoon

Venue: MD1, MPH 1

Full Day: 9.00am – 5.00pm

W1F1: Using SPSS for Data Analysis
Shen Liang

Venue: MD1, Computer Lab 1, Level 8

AM (8.30am - 12.30pm) PM (1.30pm – 5.30pm)

W1A1: Discourse Analysis: An Introduction
Brian D Hodges

Venue: MD1, MPH 2

W1P1: Resilience, Grit and Emotional Intelligence: Key Personal Qualities for Effective Leadership
Judy McKimm, Paul Jones, Kirsty Forrest and Greg Radu

Venue: MD1, MPH 2

W1A2: Medical Education Through the Lens of SAMR: An Applied Workshop
Ruben Puentedera

Venue: MD6, 03-06
W1P2: How to Best Engage Learners during Pre-and Para-Clinical Sciences Years in an Era of Technology-Enhanced Learning?
Chen Zhi Xiong, Peter GM de Jong and Neil Osheroff

Venue: MD6, SMART Classroom, Level 4
W1A3: Using Simulations to Learn About Teamwork in Healthcare
Winnie Teo, Tan Keng Teng, Poh Chee Lien, and Wong Teck Yee

Venue: MD6, 01-01B
W1P3: Less is More: The Basis, Value and Practicality of Focused Workplace Placement Assessments in Busy Disciplines
Yip Chee Chew, Clement Tan, Anna Tan Wee Tien and Llewellyn Lee Kuan Ming

Venue: MD6, 01-01B
W1A4: Tips and Tricks for Successfully Publishing Scholarly Work in an
International Journal on Medical Education

Peter GM de Jong and Julie K Hewett

Venue: MD1, MPH 3
W1P4: Designing An Effective IPE Course/Activity – A Competency- and Theory-Based Approach, with Case Study on How to Run A Health Care Team Challenge (HCTC)TM
Wong Mun Loke, Chng Hui Ting, Liaw Sok Ying, Lim Hsiu Chin Keith, Lim Teik Chung Michael, Tai Yuen Ling Esther and Kee Li Leng Janice

Venue: MD6, 01-02
W1A5: Development of E-learning in Nursing Education: Trends and Strategies
Yanika Kowitlawakul, Liaw Sok Ying, Lee Ching Siang, Serena Koh and Shefaly Shorey

Venue: MD6, 03-05
W1P5: Qualitative Research: The Interview Technique, Coding and Data Analysis
Lee Shuh Shing, Yanika Kowitlawakul and Calvin Ho Wai Loon

Venue: MD6, 03-04
W1A6: Optimising Your Educational Activity Involving Simulated Patients
Nicola Ngiam and Hor Chuen Yee

Venue: MD6, 03-04
W1P6: When Things Don't Go as Planned: A Simulation-Based Workshop
Nicola Ngiam and Jacqueline Ong

Venue: MD6, 03-05
  W1P7: Caring for Older People in an Ageing Society: An Ethics Case Development and Analysis Workshop
Jacqueline Chin, Natalie Ling and Matthew Chen Zhixuan

Venue: MD6, 03-06
W1A8: Work Place Based Assessment: Train The Trainer Workshop
Kichu Balakrishnan R Nair and Carl Matheson

Venue: MD6, 01-02
W1P8: Promoting Communication and Team Collaboration Among Health Care Providers in a Multicultural Clinical Setting
Manasik Hassan, Ahmed Alhammadi, Hatim Abdulrahman and Magda Ahmed Wagdy Youssef

Venue: MD6, 03-07
W1A9: Assessment Diagnostics Using Psychometrics
Gominda G Ponnamperuma

Venue: MD1, LT37
W1P9: A Conceptual Framework For Planning Learning Activities and Assessing Learners In Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Don Moore

Venue: MD1, MPH 3

Pre-Conference Workshops & Special Courses (Thursday, 11 Jan 2018)

MD1 - Tahir Foundation Building, Block MD1, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, 12 Science Drive 2, Singapore 117549
MD6 - Centre for Translational Medicine (CeTM), Block MD6, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, 14 Medical Drive, Singapore 117599
Full Day: 8.30am – 5.30pm

Research Essential Skills in Medical Education (RESME) Course (Session 1)
Charlotte Ringsted, Albert Scherpbier and Elise Paradis

Venue: MD1, MPH 1

Full Day: 9.00am – 4.00pm

Health Professions’ Education ‘Leaders’ Toolkit’: ‘Leadership In Threes’ Course (Session 1)
Judy McKimm, Paul Jones, Kirsty Forrest and Greg Radu

Venue: MD1, MPH 2

AM (8.30am – 12.30pm) PM (1.30pm – 5.30pm)

W2A1: Innovative Practice in Mobile Technology to Enhance Learning, Assessment and Professional Development in the Clinical Workplace
Trudie Roberts, Sandra Kemp, Richard Fuller and Katharine Boursicot

Venue: MD1, MPH 3

W2P1: How to Create and Use Developmental Assessments to Guide Residents to Become Effective Practitioners
Eric Holmboe

Venue: MD6, 01-02

W2A2: What is Online Collaborative Learning? Why is it Important? And How to (easily) Enhance Online Medical Education Courses with These New Pedagogies
Linda M Harasim

Venue: MD6, 03-07

W2P2: Masterchef for Residency Selection
Sarah Lu Qinghui, Tham Kum Ying , Habeebul Rahman and Terence Huey Cheong Wei

Venue: MD6, 01-01B

W2A3: The Smorgasboard of Technology-Driven Teaching Strategies to Enhance Learning
Rani Kanthan and Kalyani Premkumar

Venue: MD1, LT37

W2P3: How to Use Data (Analytics) to Inform eTeaching and eLearning
Poh-Sun Goh, Sergio Hernandez-Marin and Lim Wee Khee

Venue: MD6, SMART Classroom, Level 4

W2A4: Mobile Learning for Healthcare Educators
Vaikunthan Rajaratnam and Dong Chaoyan

Venue: MD6, SMART Classroom, Level 4

W2P4: How Do We Apply Evidence of Interprofessional Education and Collaboration in Asia?
Junji Haruta, Sachiko Ozone and Ryohei Goto

Venue: MD1, LT37

W2A5: Developing and Assessing Resilience in Medical and Healthcare Professionals
Moi Kok Wah

Venue: MD6, 01-01B

W2P5: Technology Enhanced Learning and Design Thinking Process: Think Globally, Act Locally and Innovate!
Ardi Findyartini, Diantha Soemantri and Anindya Pradipta Susanto

Venue: MD6, 03-01N

W2A6: Professionalism in Practice
Ng Ho-Keung, Alex Yung, Shekhar Kumta and Yan Jin

Venue: MD6, 01-02

W2P6: Changes in the Teaching Methods- An Essential Need of the Hour: An Integrated Teaching to Medical Students by Who, Whom, How and Where
BK Manjunatha Goud, Joan Kumar and Aruna Chanu Oinam

Venue: MD6, 03-06

W2A7: From Conceptualisation to Implementation: Development of an Online Assessment System
Vishna Devi Nadarajah and Er Hui Meng

Venue: MD6, 03-01N

W2P7: Family Practice Preceptorship: from Theory to Practice
Doris Young, Goh Lay Hoon and Victor Loh

Venue: MD1, MPH 3

 W2A8: Using the Four Quadrant Model to Engage the Faculty Meaningfully
Danai Wangsaturaka and Indika Karunathilake

Venue: MD6, 03-06

W2P8: Using a Web-Based Platform (Emedici©) to Enhance Students' Learning and Immediate Feedback Across the Healthcare Profession
Michael Wan

Venue: MD6, 03-07

APME-Net 7th Niigata Meeting (By Invitation Only)

Venue: Meeting Room 2, #01-07, MD11, Clinical Research Centre, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, 10 Medical Drive, Singapore 117597
Main Conference Day 1 (Friday, 12 Jan 2018)
Main Conference Day 2 (Saturday, 13 Jan 2018)

Post-Conference Workshops & Special Courses (Sunday, 14 Jan 2018)

MD 6 - Centre for Translational Medicine (CeTM), Block MD6, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, 14 Medical Drive, Singapore 117599
MD11 - Clinical Research Centre, Block MD11, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, 10 Medical Drive, Singapore 117597
9.00am – 12.30pm

Essential Skills in Medical Education (ESME) Course (Session 4)
Ronald M Harden, Matthew C. E. Gwee, Dujeepa D. Samarasekera, Poh-Sun Goh and Tan Chay Hoon

Venue: MD1, MPH 1

Health Professions’ Education ‘Leaders’ Toolkit’: ‘Leadership In Threes’ Course (Session 4)
Judy McKimm, Paul Jones, Kirsty Forrest and Greg Radu

Venue: MD1, MPH 2