Tai E Shyong

Tai E Shyong

Professor, Dept of Medicine and Centre for Biomedical Ethics


Professor Tai E Shyong is Senior Consultant, Division of Endocrinology, National University of Singapore, and Joint Professor at the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health & Honorary Joint Professor at CBmE

Professor Tai’s major research interests revolve around diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and their relations with atherosclerotic disease. He is involved in several large studies examining the role of genetic and environmental factors and their interactions in the pathogenesis of these chronic disorders. He is also involved in more traditional epidemiology and has been instrumental in defining the burden of disease associated with diabetes and its associated traits in the Asia Pacific region. Finally, he is involved in several clinical trials that examine the effects of various treatments on the modulation of cardiovascular risk factors.

Prof Tai has published over 80 articles in peer reviewed journals and collaborates with CBmE on the ethical and regulatory aspects of precision genomics.