Sinead Prince

Sinead Prince

Research Fellow


Sinead Prince is a Research Fellow investigating bioethical issues associated with implementing AI in healthcare. With a background in law and biomedical science, Sinead underwent her PhD in bioethics at the Australian Centre for Health Law Research at QUT in 2024. Her PhD research was on the ethics of genetic enhancements, mainly whether this technology contributes to human well-being through a theoretical lens of authenticity, autonomy, and oppression. Her interests include AI ethics, theories of justice and autonomy as they relate to healthcare, and feminist bioethics. 

Sinead also co-hosts the Learn Me Right podcast, which uses short podcasts to translate evidence-based and peer-reviewed research in bioethics and health law for members of the public. As a means of research distribution and education, Sinead seeks to use multimedia to help clinicians, patients, and policymakers better understand academic research and thus have the skills to discern and trust new biotechnologies.