The Centre for Biomedical Ethics (CBmE) provides a rich and lively place of study for everyone wishing to pursue postgraduate studies (Masters and PhD) in bioethics. We see bioethics as a diverse and broad field of activities focused on all ethical aspects of medicine, health, and the life sciences. Please get in touch to talk about your project!
Information for potential candidates

Study Environment
Studying at CBmE will mean that you join a vibrant community of scholars, with diverse backgrounds and interests. The culture in the Centre is one of lively discussion and debate. We have an on-going series of events including talks from world-leading visiting speakers, work in progress events where we share draft papers, sessions to help develop relevant knowledge and skills for a success career in bioethics, and critical discussion of publications by others that will be of general interest.
We also have a series of tailored courses in a range of topics and methods in bioethics to assist you with expanding your knowledge and skills that you can deploy to succeed with writing your thesis and developing your ideas.

Thesis Topics
CBmE has a diverse range of expertise that means that we can provide supervision for thesis projects across the range of topics in bioethics that employ either philosophical or empirical research methods. Suitable topics will include those within the domains of clinical ethics, public health ethics, research ethics, reproductive ethics, neuroethics, and the ethics of biotechnology, including AI.
Please email individual faculty members (Assistant Professor and above) to discuss their interest and availability for supervision prior to application. It is extremely important that you provide a short proposal for us as part of this process. The proposal should include a research question(s) that you will seek to answer, an outline of your proposed methods, a brief discussion of the background literature on your chosen topic, setting out how your work will engage with this material. It would also be beneficial to submit a writing sample or a publication.
Scholarship and financial aid opportunities may be available for outstanding prospective students.
Please contact our Director of Graduate Education, Professor Angus Dawson, at ajdawson@nus.edu.sg in the first instance with any questions.

At the top of this page, you’ll find a short video featuring Professor Angus Dawson, our Director of Graduate Education, discussing the experiences of two PhD students at our Centre. Feel free to reach out!
Graduate Programme
Key Contact Members

Professor Angus Dawson