Essential Topics in Clinical Ethics (ETCE)

ETCE is organized by CENTRES


The Essential Topics in Clinical Ethics (ETCE) is an intermediate level short course primarily aimed at healthcare professionals and clinical ethics committee (CEC) members. It consists of four units:

Unit 1: Ethical reasoning, ethical guidance & relationship with professionals

Unit 2: Autonomy, informed consent, truth telling, decision-making capacity and best interests

Unit 3: Shared decision-making, end of life decision-making, advance care planning and nonbeneficial treatment

Unit 4: Health law, defensive medicine and therapeutic innovations


Assoc. Prof Michael Dunn

Associate Professor

Dr Sumytra Menon

Deputy Director

Adj. Associate Prof Lee See Muah

Emeritus Consultant
Department of Medicine
Ng Teng Fong General Hospital (NTFGH)

Dr Owen Schaefer

Assistant Professor

Mathavi Sengguttuvan

Research Associate


By invitation only.

Continuing Professional Education

CME/CPE points have been sought for doctors, pharmacists and nurses.

SMC – Pending for approval
Unit 1: SMC20240815-1B-0010. (2 MME CME Points)
Unit 2: SMC20240815-1B-0011. (2 MME CME Points)
Unit 3: SMC20240815-1B-0012. (2 MME CME Points)
Unit 4: SMC20240815-1B-0013. (2 ordinary CME Points)

SNB – Pending for approval
Unit 1: SNB20240815-IIA-0021
Unit 2: SNB20240815-IIA-0022
Unit 3: SNB20240815-IIA-0023
Unit 4: SNB20240815-IIA-0025

SPC – Approved
Unit 1: SPC20240815-1B-0002
Unit 2: SPC20240815-1B-0005
Unit 3: SPC20240815-1B-0006
Unit 4: SPC20240815-1B-0007


Short online video lectures and synchronous facilitated case discussions online via Zoom. The short online video lectures may be viewed in a 2-week window before the synchronous case discussions

Course Structure

The series consists of four units. Participants may choose to attend one or more units.

Unit 1 - Ethical reasoning, ethical guidance & relationship with professionals

2.00pm to 5.00pm | 10 January 2025 (Friday)

Learning objective:
To understand principle-based approaches to ethical issues in healthcare practice.

Topics covered:

  • Approaches to moral reasoning
  • Relationship between moral, ethical, legal and professional responsibilities
  • Professional codes of ethics and guidance documents
  • Relationship between law and ethics and process at ethics
  • Resources for understanding & interpreting cultural and faith communities

Target audience:
Healthcare professionals and clinical ethics committee (CEC) members, who are new to or would like to refresh their knowledge and understanding of ethical reasoning, ethical guidance and relationship with professionals.

Unit 2 - Elements of decision-making (Part 1): autonomy, informed consent, truth telling, decision-making capacity and best interests

2.00pm to 5.00pm | 24 January 2025 (Friday)

Learning objective:
To understand some of the common ethical and legal issues faced by healthcare professionals regarding patient autonomy, informed consent, truth telling, decision-making and best interests.

Topics covered:

  • Autonomy, informed consent and refusal
  • Disclosure, medical errors and truth telling
  • Proxy decision-making, substituted judgment and best interests
  • Decision-making capacity

Target audience:
Healthcare professionals and clinical ethics committee (CEC) members, who are new to or would like to refresh their knowledge and understanding of autonomy, informed consent, truth telling, decision-making and best interests.4

Unit 3 - Elements of decision-making (Part 2): shared decision-making, end of life decision-making, advance care planning and non-beneficial treatment

2.00pm to 5.00pm | 7 February 2025 (Friday)

Learning objective:
To understand some of the common ethical and legal issues faced by healthcare professionals, regarding shared decision-making, end of life decision-making, advance care planning and non-beneficial treatment.

Topics covered:

  • Advance care planning
  • End of life decision-making
  • Shared decision making
  • Potentially inappropriate treatment / futility
  • Treatment goals and the related plan of care

Target audience:
Healthcare professionals and clinical ethics committee (CEC) members, who are new to or would like to refresh their knowledge and understanding of shared decision-making, end of life decision-making, advance care planning and non-beneficial treatment.

Unit 4 - Health law, defensive medicine and therapeutic innovations

2.00pm to 5.00pm | 21 February 2025 (Friday)

Learning objective:
To understand relevant health law and some of the common ethical and legal issues faced by healthcare professionals regarding defensive medicine and therapeutic innovations.

Topics covered:

  • Relevant health law
  • Confidentiality and privacy
  • Distinctions between clinical research and therapeutic innovation
  • Defensive medicine

Target audience:
Healthcare professionals and clinical ethics committee (CEC) members, who are new to or would like to refresh their knowledge and understanding of health law, defensive medicine and therapeutic innovations.

Contact Persons

Ms Marissa Iskandar
  +65 6601 5515