

  • Study Title: Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields in Preventing Physical Deconditioning in Patients Undergoing Prolonged Hospitalization. A case match control study.

    NCT Number: Under registration

    Summary: Prolonged bed rest is associated with a rapid decline in muscle function and an increased risk of adverse health outcomes. This trial aims to investigate the effectiveness of PEMF therapy in improving mobility function and increasing anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer blood biomarkers in blood oncology patients and healthy volunteers. 

    Dates: 2023 to present

    Principal Investigators: Dr Melissa Ooi, Tai Yee Kit Alex, Alfredo Franco-Obregón

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  • Study Title: Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMFs) – An effective and highly Selective breast Cancer treatment pLatform (PASCAL), first-in-human phase 1 safety trials. 

    NCT Number: NCT06332508

    Summary: Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer amongst women worldwide. Resistance or intolerance in some patients to chemotherapy leads to early withdrawal from treatment and suboptimal oncological outcomes, rendering them prone to recurrence. We have developed a novel anticancer platform utilizing low intensity pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) that are highly effective at killing breast cancer cells, without implicating normal tissues. Our in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo studies have all demonstrated selective anticancer efficacy to direct or systemic exposure; healthy tissues exposed to these same fields are not adversely affected. PEMF therapy is hence specific, non-invasive, painless and does not undermine patient resilience making it an attractive anticancer modality to complement current breast cancer treatments. This trial is a phase 1 safety trial.
    Dates: April 2022 to present
    Principal Investigators: Alfredo Franco-Obregón, Dr Joline Lim

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