PHM5007 – Seminars In Precision Medicine

Course Overview

With Precision Medicine (PM) progressing at breakneck speed, it is pertinent for all students to be kept ‘up-to-date’ with the latest developments in this field. In this module, leading experts in academia, medical, PM research institutions, regulatory agencies, as well as industry (including healthcare, pharmaceutic, etc) leaders will share their insights / latest developments in PM.  There will also be opportunities for the students to interact with these PM experts/leaders.

Course Outcome

  • Expose to latest developments and insights in the field of PM from leaders in PM through attending seminars
  • Learn how PM is applied in the real world through attending seminars
  • Reflect on the latest development in PM and the role PM can play in transforming medicine

Course Outline

Students are required to participate in at least 3 seminars per semester to get inspiration and stay motivated in applying Precision Medicine in their future career. Students will submit a reflection online after each seminar.
