Sun Ji
Joint Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, NUS-
+6516 4372

Associate Professor, Department of Biological Science
Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS
Institution and Location | Year(s) |
Ph.D. Pharmacology, University of Washington-Seattle | 2008 – 2013 |
B.Sc. Life Science, University of Science and Technology of China | 2003 – 2007 |
Professional Experience
Institution and Location | Year(s) |
Assistant Member, St Jude Children’s Research Hospital | 2019 – 2024 |
Postdoctoral Associate, The Rockefeller University | 2014 – 2019 |
Research Interests
Research in Sun lab uses biochemical and structural biology approaches to explore the molecular nature of biological systems. We strive to find cures for human diseases and seek solutions for the sustainable development of our planet.
Current Research Projects and Focus
Lab website:
PI’s laboratory focuses on:
- NADPH Oxidases
- LRRK2 Signaling and Parkinson’s Diseases
- KCNQ1 Channel and Cardiac Rhythm
- Ciliary Transport
Selected Publications
- Cui C, Jiang M, Jain N, Das S, Lo Y, Kermani A, Pipatpokai T and Sun J. Structural basis of human NOX5 activation. Nature Communications, 15: 3994, 2024.
- Zhu H, Tonelli F, Turk M, Prescott A, Alessi D and Sun J. Rab29-dependent asymmetrical activation of leucine-rich repeat kinase 2. Science. 382: 1404-1411, 2023
- Jiang M, Palicharla VR, Miller D, Hwang SH, Zhu H, Hixson P, Mukhopadhyay S and Sun J. Human IFT-A complex structures provide molecular insights into ciliary transport. Cell Research 33:288–298, 2023.
- Myasnikov A, Zhu H, Hixson, P, Xie B, Yu K, Pitre A, Peng J, Sun J. Structural analysis of the full-length human LRRK2. Cell. 184:3519–3527, 2021.
- Sun J. Structures of mouse DUOX1–DUOXA1 provide mechanistic insights into enzyme activation and regulation. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 27:1086–1093, 2020
- Sun J and Mackinnon R. Structural Basis of Human KCNQ1 Modulation and Gating. Cell 180:1-8, 2020.
- Sun J and Mackinnon R. Structure of a KCNQ1/CaM Complex Reveals Insights into Congenital Long QT Syndrome. Cell 169(6): 1042-1050, 2017
- Sun J, Bankston JR, Hinds TR, Payandeh J, Zagotta WN, and Zheng N. Crystal Structure of the Plant Dual-affinity Transporter NRT1.1. Nature 507(7490): 73-77, 2014.