Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, NUS
Joint Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS
Institution and Location | Year(s) |
Ph.D., Infection and Immunity, Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research (HIRI), Germany | 2022 |
M.Sc., Microbiology, Shandong University, China | 2015 |
B.Sc. Biotechnology, Henan Polytechnic University, China | 2012 |
Professional Experience
Institution and Location | Year(s) |
Assistant Professor, Presidential Young Professorship, National University of Singapore | 2024 – Present |
Postdoc., Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research (HIRI), Germany | 2022 – 2024 |
Research Engineer, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore | 2016 – 2018 |
Research Assistant, Shandong University, China | 2015 – 2016 |
Research Interests
Discovery, engineering, and design of CRISPR and novel bacterial defense systems with the aim of developing innovative platforms for disease diagnosis and treatment.
Current Research Projects
- Develop a sensitive and high-throughput RNA detection platform
- Develop a precise and high efficient knock-in platform in eukaryotic cells
- Develop a precise and non-cytotoxic RNA knock-down platform
- Develop a long-range genome knock-out platform
- Develop a spatial RNA recording platform
Selected Publications
- Jiao, C., Peeck, N.L., Yu, J., Ghaem Maghami, M., Kono, S., Collias, D., Martinez Diaz, S.L., Larose, R. and Beisel, C.L., 2024. TracrRNA reprogramming enables direct PAM-independent detection of RNA with diverse DNA-targeting Cas12 nucleases. Nature Communications, 15(1), p.5909.
- Jiao, C., Reckstadt, C., König, F., Homberger, C., Yu, J., Vogel, J., Westermann, A.J., Sharma, C.M. and Beisel, C.L., 2023. RNA recording in single bacterial cells using reprogrammed tracrRNAs. Nature biotechnology, 41(8), pp.1107-1116.
- Jiao, C. and Beisel, C.L., 2022. Reprogramming TracrRNAs for Multiplexed RNA Detection. In Riboregulator Design and Analysis (pp. 217-235). New York, NY: Springer US.
- Jiao, C., Sharma, S., Dugar, G., Peeck, N.L., Bischler, T., Wimmer, F., Yu, Y., Barquist, L., Schoen, C., Kurzai, O. and Sharma, C.M., 2021. Noncanonical crRNAs derived from host transcripts enable multiplexable RNA detection by Cas9. Science, 372(6545), pp.941-948.
- Hou, J.#, Jiao, C.#, Peng, B., Shen, Y. and Bao, X., 2016. Mutation of a regulator Ask10p improves xylose isomerase activity through up-regulation of molecular chaperones in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Metabolic Engineering, 38, pp.241-250. (#, co-first author)
- Hou, J., Shen, Y., Jiao, C., Ge, R., Zhang, X. and Bao, X., 2016. Characterization and evolution of xylose isomerase screened from the bovine rumen metagenome in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of bioscience and bioengineering, 121(2), pp.160-165.