Ban Hon Kim, Kenneth

Senior Lecturer
Ban Hon Kim, Kenneth


Senior Lecturer, Department of Biochemistry, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS.
Assistant Principal Investigator, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, A*STAR.

Research Interest

* Prostate and Breast Cancer Genetics.
* Mouse Models of Cancer.
* Transposon Mutagenesis for Cancer Gene Discovery and Validation.
* Cell Cycle Regulation, Cellular Senescence, Cell Fate Determination

Selected Publications

  • Wong ES*, Ban KH*, Mutalif R, Jenkins NA, Copeland NG, Stewart CL. A simple procedure for the efficient derivation of mouse ES cells. Methods Enzymol. 2010;476:265-83 *Equal contribution.
  • Torres JZ, Ban KH, Jackson PK. A specific form of phospho protein phosphatase 2 regulates anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome association with spindle poles. Mol Biol Cell. 2010 Mar 15;21(6):897-904.
  • Verschuren EW, Ban KH, Masek MA, Lehman NL, Jackson PK. Loss of Emi1-dependent anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome inhibition deregulates E2F target expression and elicits DNA damage-induced senescence. Mol Cell Biol. 2007 Nov;27(22):7955-65.
  • Ban KH, Torres JZ, Miller JJ, Mikhailov A, Nachury MV, Tung JJ, Rieder CL, Jackson PK. The END network couples spindle pole assembly to inhibition of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome in early mitosis. Dev Cell. 2007 Jul;13(1):29-42.
  • Lee AT, Ren J, Wong ET, Ban KH, Lee LA, Lee CG. The hepatitis B virus X protein sensitizes HepG2 cells to UV light-induced DNA damage. J Biol Chem. 2005 Sep 30;280(39):33525-35.
  • Tung JJ, Hansen DV, Ban KH, Loktev AV, Summers MK, Adler JR 3rd, Jackson PK. A role for the anaphase-promoting complex inhibitor Emi2/XErp1, a homolog of early mitotic inhibitor 1, in cytostatic factor arrest of Xenopus eggs. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Mar 22;102(12):4318-23.
  • Hansen DV, Loktev AV, Ban KH, Jackson PK. Plk1 regulates activation of the anaphase promoting complex by phosphorylating and triggering SCFbetaTrCP-dependent destruction of the APC Inhibitor Emi1. Mol Biol Cell. 2004 Dec;15(12):5623-34.
  • Lee CG, Ren J, Cheong IS, Ban KH, Ooi LL, Yong Tan S, Kan A, Nuchprayoon I, Jin R, Lee KH, Choti M, Lee LA. Expression of the FAT10 gene is highly upregulated in hepatocellular carcinoma and other gastrointestinal and gynecological cancers. Oncogene. 2003 May 1;22(17):2592-603.