PHM5001 – Human Genomics in Precision Medicine

Course Overview

This course aims to provide students with a strong foundation of the role genetics in the entire pathway of Precision Medicine including

  • Understanding the genetic basis of diseases
  • Employing state-of-the-art OMICs and analytic tools to identify disease causing genes and biomarkers for disease diagnosis and prognosis
  • Developing genetic and genomic strategies to treat and mitigate diseases

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, students will:

  • Know how genetics/genomics play roles in different types of diseases including Inherited, Complex and Infectious Diseases
  • Learn how modern OMICs and Analytic tools can be employed to identify disease biomarkers, predict, diagnose and prognose disease.
  • Learn how genetic / genomic strategies can be developed to prevent / mitigate severity / treat disease.
  • Learn how OMICs / Analytic tools or genetic/genomic strategies can be employed to identify, predict, diagnose, prognose, prevent, mitigate or treat disease.

Course Outline

  • Introduction to Precision Medicine (PM)
  • Genetic / Genomic Basis of Diseases
  • Introduction to high throughput genomic PM OMIC tools
  • Disease Genes Identification through Association Analyses with PM OMICs
  • Disease Susceptibility/Prognosis Prediction based on genetic/genomic signatures with PM OMICs through Machine Learning.
  • Introduction to genetic/genomic Disease Diagnosis
  • Introduction to modern genetic PM tools to prevent / mitigate severity of disease – Genetic Vaccines
  • Introduction to modern genetic PM tools to treat disease – Molecular and Gene Therapy

Course Coordinators

A/Prof Caroline Lee

Vice Dean, NUS Graduate School, NUS

Assoc Prof, Dept of Biochemistry, NUS

A/Prof Samuel Chong

Director, Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis Centre, NUHS

Assoc Prof, Dept of Paediatrics, NUS