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Generating pancreatic beta-like cells from human pluripotent stem cells
Journal: Methods in Cell Biology
Published Date: 2022/04/12
Authors: Lim, L.Y., Ching, C., Kong, D., Chan, S.-Y., Teo, A.K.K.
Mapping genomic loci implicates genes and synaptic biology in schizophrenia
Journal: Nature
Published Date: 2022/04/08
Authors: Trubetskoy, V., Pardiñas, A.F., Qi, T., Panagiotaropoulou, G., Awasthi, S., Bigdeli, T.B., Bryois, J., Chen, C.-Y., Dennison, C.A., Hall, L.S., Lam, M., Watanabe, K., Frei, O., Ge, T., Harwood, J.C., Koopmans, F., Magnusson, S., Richards, A.L., Sido...
The epidemiology of multimorbidity in France: Variations by gender, age and socioeconomic factors, and implications for surveillance and prevention
Journal: PLoS ONE
Published Date: 2022/04/06
Authors: Coste, J., Valderas, J.M., Carcaillon-Bentata, L.
Brain charts for the human lifespan
Journal: Nature
Published Date: 2022/04/06
Authors: Bethlehem, R.A.I., Seidlitz, J., White, S.R., Vogel, J.W., Anderson, K.M., Adamson, C., Adler, S., Alexopoulos, G.S., Anagnostou, E., Areces-Gonzalez, A., Astle, D.E., Auyeung, B., Ayub, M., Bae, J., Ball, G., Baron-Cohen, S., Beare, R., Bedford, S.A...
Remote physiology practical: Viable alternative to in-person practical in health sciences education?
Journal: Asia Pacific Scholar
Published Date: 2022/04/05
Authors: Charmaine, T., Low, I.C.C.
The G-Wishart Weighted Proposal Algorithm: Efficient Posterior Computation for Gaussian Graphical Models
Journal: Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
Published Date: 2022/04/04
Authors: van den Boom, W., Beskos, A., De Iorio, M.
Cultural differences in hydration practices among physically active individuals: a narrative review
Journal: Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition
Published Date: 2022/04/04
Authors: Leow, C.H.W., Tan, B., Miyashita, M., Lee, J.K.W.
Environmental satisfaction, mood and cognitive performance in semi-outdoor space in the tropics
Journal: Building and Environment
Published Date: 2022/04/02
Authors: Mihara, K., Chen, S., Hasama, T., Tan, C.L., Lee, J.K.W., Wong, N.H.
A systematic review and recommendations for prom instruments for older people with frailty in emergency care
Journal: Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes
Published Date: 2022/04/01
Authors: van Oppen, J.D., Alshibani, A., Coats, T.J., Graham, B., Holch, P., Lalseta, J., Mackintosh, N., Richardson, V., Riley, P., Valderas, J.M., Conroy, S.P.