About Our Programme

Message from Director

Prof. Johan Gunnar Eriksson

A very warm welcome to the Human Potential Translational Research Programme (HPTRP) at Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS. 

At HPTRP we aspire to maximise human potential for health and productivity by optimising developmental conditions from the early phases of life to adulthood in a changing environment. We are an interdisciplinary group of researchers from both basic science and clinical departments with a common aim to characterise and develop interventions to optimize human health and potential.

HPTRP was established in 2019 and our human focused research has always been at the heart of what we do. The lifeblood behind our many successes is a highly motivated and diverse team of investigators supported by invaluable assistance of dedicated support staff – working in several different fields including Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD), women’s health, exercise, sleep, nutrition, social sciences, computational imaging, epidemiology and statistics as well as studies around the effects of heat on health and work productivity.

Through high class research that enhances our understanding in human health and potential in an everchanging society, we aim to ensure Singaporeans get the best start to life and develop optimally throughout their life course.

Please join us in this adventure.

Who Are We

We are an inter-disciplinary group of researchers from the basic science and clinical departments at NUS Medicine seeking to characterise and to develop interventions to optimise human potential.


Maximizing human potential for health & productivity


Optimizing developmental conditions from the early phases of life to maximize human potential during adulthood in the changing environment.

Our Aims