Stem Cell

Exploring the role of adult stem cells to ageing and age-related diseases, as well as the potential for regenerative therapies, is a vital component of the programme

Stem Cell Core Facility Service for Healthy Longevity Translational Research Programme

The Healthy Longevity Translational Research Programme Stem Cell Core Facility (HLTRP-SCCF) is equipped with a Multiplex Analyte Analysis Platform (MAAP) that employs specific techniques to provide high-throughput analysis of protein and/or RNA targets from a single sample. The analysis of various protein and RNA targets allows the study of inflammation, apoptosis, angiogenesis, neurogenesis, coagulation, arteriosclerosis, obesity, and much more in a form of selected single target and/or complex pathways. The MAAP can be utilized with human, mouse, rat, canine and porcine samples of blood, serum plasma, urine, tears and conditioned medium. Utilizing the proprietary multiplex analysis system Luminex 200, the MAAP supports up to 80 protein and RNA analytes detection in a single sample. This technology is optimal for exploratory pilot studies as well as complex evaluation of crucial cellular signaling and metabolism. Protein analysis utilizes antibody-based magnetic beads kits for detection and quantification whereby the RNA multiplex assays utilize the Luminex xMAP bead technology quantifying gene expression directly from cell and whole blood lysates or tissue homogenates without the need to purify or amplify RNA effectively avoiding variability from standard extraction techniques.

The HLTRP-SCCF offers an end-to-end service providing consultancy on kit selection and procurement, experimental design, sample preparation, processing, and analysis, data processing, and final report or guidance for raw data processing when required. We utilize pre-set kits but also offer the option of multiplex panel customization (5-targets multiplier) to cater to various experimental requirements. We will offer standard pre-set kits as well as customized panels for quantification directly from crude samples for detection rich as well as low-abundant targets.

The MAAP is available to internal and external (academic and non-academic) users with 3 pricing tiers. To simplify the procedure while maintaining a high quality of sample processing, we offer a 1-month project turn-around (approx. 2 weeks for kit delivery, experimental design discussion, samples collection and preparation, 1 week for sample analysis, and 1 week for data processing and discussion).

We are partnered with ThermoFisher Scientific to provide a more streamlined service for academic and non-academic users.

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