Vision & Mission

Redefining ageing by pushing the frontiers of ageing research

Our Vision

To achieve transformative breakthroughs in ageing research so we can help people live longer, healthier lives.

Our Mission

To add healthy years to life by delaying ageing, extending disease-free life and improving the quality of life as we age. We do this by advancing research discoveries that can make a visible impact on healthy ageing.

director's MESSAGE

Ageing is the climate change of medical science. There is no better time to trailblaze novel approaches to enhance human longevity.

Professor Brian Kennedy

NUS Healthy Longevity Translational Research Programme

Centre for Healthy Longevity, NUHS

Professor, Departments of Biochemistry and Physiology, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS

What We Do

We focus our research on understanding the mechanisms of ageing to help us treat age-related diseases and find ways to foster successful ageing.

Our investigation into the science of ageing involves identifying, understanding and manipulating common pathways that modulate ageing. We develop biomarkers to measure ageing, as well as design and test interventions to slow ageing. This allows us to create personalised implementation strategies that can extend healthy life expectancy.

Through our collaborative research, we drive innovations that can prevent ageing as well as help seniors better cope with ageing. This paves the way for better health and quality of life for the silver generation.

The Way Forward

This programme strives to advance the frontiers of ageing research in Singapore through cutting-edge science. We bring together a multidisciplinary team comprising clinician-scientists, researchers and industry collaborators from Singapore and abroad, leveraging their complementary skills to shape the agenda on healthy ageing in Singapore.

Building upon knowledge gained in the lab, we carry out clinical trials to accelerate the translation of novel interventions into real-world solutions for human application. These are aimed at inspiring best practices, reducing healthcare costs and improving the quality of ageing.

We hope to nurture, mentor and train the next generation of scientists to engage in high-calibre research in ageing and age-related diseases.