Director’s Message

Reaping the longevity dividend

“Ageing is the climate change of medical science. There is no better time to trailblaze novel approaches to enhance human longevity.”

Professor Brian Kennedy

NUS Healthy Longevity Translational Research Programme

Centre for Healthy Longevity, NUHS

Departments of Biochemistry and Physiology,
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS

Welcome to the Healthy Longevity Translational Research Programme (HLTRP). Our programme is dedicated to the rigorous study of the science of ageing so we can catalyse breakthrough interventions that can extend both human lifespan and healthspan.

Singapore is heading into uncharted territory as we confront the challenges of a rapidly ageing population. Ageing is the biggest risk factor for chronic diseases – the onset of these diseases can drive up healthcare costs and impair the quality of life.

To live longer, we must better manage chronic disease. And to slow ageing, we need to forestall age-related diseases. Therefore, we urgently need to understand the ageing process and examine the factors that determine longevity so we can develop targeted solutions to delay ageing and prolong disease-free life.

The HLTRP brings together a team of faculty members and researchers from diverse disciplines to explore how the body ages. We leverage on industry partnerships to maximise the impact of our research and accelerate the translation of our knowledge into practice.

I am proud to be leading a talented world-class team to drive impactful and meaningful outcomes on ageing research. Our unique approach involves multidisciplinary collaboration between the clinical and scientific communities in both public and private practice. This allows us to develop novel interventions to prevent and better manage common conditions associated with ageing.

By developing innovative biomarkers for ageing including molecular, physiological and digital biomarkers, we can gain important insights on how to slow down the ageing clock. We also study how lifestyle, nutritional or pharmacological interventions can enhance the human lifespan.

I invite you to find out more about our work, explore career opportunities or contribute to our research. Join us in developing a blueprint for successful ageing.