Project ABLE

Project ABLE

Project ABLE is looking at whether a supplement called Alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) can help middle-aged people (aged 40-60) in Singapore be biologically younger.

What is AKG?

AKG is a natural compound our body makes to get energy from food. As we get older, we have less AKG in our body. Previous studies say AKG helps muscles grow and heal wounds. It may also help the heart, brain, liver, and muscles, potentially helping us stay younger for longer. However, these effects have not been confirmed yet.

What's the Goal?

To see if AKG affects our DNA methylation in a way that shows people are ageing slower. DNA methylation is one way to measure biological age (how old your body really is).

We are also checking if AKG can help with arterial stiffness (a sign of cardiovascular ageing), overall body strength, and other signs of ageing.

What's the Difference Between Chronological Age and Biological Age?

Chronological age is just how many years you’ve been alive, the age on your ID. Biological age is how old your body functions, which can be influenced by lifestyle, diet, and illnesses.

Are You Eligible?

  • Age: 40-60 years
  • No more than ONE age-related chronic medical condition (such as cancer, major heart problems, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD))
  • Not expecting a baby currently and not planning for a baby in the next 9 months.

How Will the Study Work?

We will arrange a screening visit for you. During this visit, we will know your biological age. If you are eligible, you will be invited back for 4 visits over 9 months.

For the first 6 months, you will either take the AKG supplement or a placebo (a visually identical pill with no therapeutical effect). Everyone involved won’t know who’s getting what, to keep the results honest. You will be invited back for a follow-up visit 3 months later.

What’s in It for You?

  • A detailed report about how healthy your heart, metabolism, and body functions are.
  • You will learn more about your health and your biological age from this study.
  • A $30 voucher will be given at each visit for helping out!