TMR is equipped with two state-of-the-art 3T MR Scanners, fully furnished and regularly upgraded for multi-modal imaging of the whole body, dedicated to neuro-, body-, cardiac- and breast- imaging research. Our capabilities are further augmented by a diverse suite of sequences, analysis toolboxes and equipment developed in-house. See below for details of our imaging capabilities and available peripheral equipment.
Imaging Capabilities

We have a comprehensive suite of MR-compatible equipment for seamless stimulus delivery (high resolution LCD monitor, projectors, headphones and in-ear noise-blocking earphones), response collection (button boxes, grips, trackball) and physiological measurements (respiratory and heart rates; online eye-tracking and eye-closure monitoring) to support a wide variety of physiological and psychological studies. We also specialize in concurrent EEG-fMRI studies with custom-made electrode caps for the local population.
Besides standard MR imaging for morphologic, volumetric and CBF measurements, we have the latest multi-band sequences for high-speed functional imaging and high resolution micro-structure imaging. In addition, we are one of the few research centres equipped with multi-nucleic coils for performing phosphorus and sodium
Body Imaging
We can acquire data for a variety of research purposes, from basic anatomical, fat/muscle quantification to brown fat and muscle spectroscopy. Together with Liverlab, we can evaluate liver volume, liver fat fraction analysis and histology. Additionally, these useful functions from liverlab can be extended for fat fraction analysis in other areas of the body. This puts us in a creative position for metabolic studies. Other than analysis of muscles in their resting state, we are equipped with an ergometer which allows us to study and quantify metabolites in muscles during different activation intensity and rest. We are also equipped with multi-nucleic coils for sodium and phosphorus spectroscopy in muscles. Apart from abdominal and muscle imaging, we also have a dedicated breast coil for breast imaging.

Cardiac Imaging
Our scanners are installed with Myomaps for advanced cardiac imaging such as dark blood imaging, bright blood imaging, 4d flows studies, muscle motility, t1 and t2 maps. We are also experienced in the acquisition for scar imaging, muscle motility assessment and coronaries.
Paediatric Imaging
We have a wealth of experience in paediatric imaging, and pay special attention to enhancing child-friendliness, like using the latest silent sequences. Undergoing an MRI scan can be intimidating for young children. In TMR, our scanners are decorated with a colourful space theme to provide a more pleasant experience to our young volunteers.

Peripheral Equipment
- Eye tracker (EyeLink)
- In-ear and cover head phones
- Response and trigger system for capturing behavioural responses during fmri
- Visual system for stimulus display during fmri
- Physiological monitoring and recording
- Contrast injector for dynamic scans
Any inquiries regarding TMR's imaging capability and operations, please contact Stevia Ng at