Students’ perception of a reduction in teaching weeks in a medical programme in Fiji

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Submitted: 17 April 2024
Accepted: 18 December 2024
Published online: 1 April, TAPS 2025, 10(2), 65-70

Rachael Tufui Masilomani1, Sophaganie Jepsen1, Maria Lourdes Villaruel1, Aying Wang1, Alena Kotoiwasawasa1, Lusiana Naikawakawavesi1, Norman Bartolome1, Claudia Paterson2, Andrew Hill2 & Maria Concepcion Bartolome1

1Basic Clinical Medicine, Fiji National University, Fiji; 2Department of Surgery, Middlemore Hospital, University of Auckland, New Zealand


Introduction: The MBBS programme at Fiji National University reduced its teaching weeks from 18 to 14 weeks in 2018. The purpose of this study was to assess student perceptions of learning and teachers following the reduction in the number of teaching weeks from 18 to 14 weeks.

Methods: A questionnaire was created using a modified Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (mDREEM) tool (23 items). This was comprised of two subscales; Students Perception of Learning (SPL – 12 items) and Students Perception of Teachers (SPT – 11 items). This was circulated to Year 5 MBBS students through an online survey in 2020.

Results: The response rate was 96%. The students regarded their educational environment as positive in both length of teaching weeks, with an overall mDREEM mean score of 63.29 in 18 weeks and 62.03 in 14 weeks. No statistically significant differences were found between 18 week and 14 week scores across mDREEM scores, SPL scores or SPT scores. The highest scoring item over both was ‘teachers are knowledgeable’.

Conclusion: A positive perception was noted for both lengths of teaching weeks. Reducing the teaching weeks from 18 to 14 did not statistically significantly reduce students’ perception of their educational environment. Items identified with low scores will give a window of opportunity for lecturers and to improve these areas. Future studies may explore the use of the five subscales of the DREEM tool and this study can be integrated into further evaluations of educational environment at Fiji National University.

Keywords:           Medical Students, Educational Learning Environment, DREEM Tool, Fiji National University, Teaching, Medical Education
