About This Journal

Aims and Scope

The Asia Pacific Scholar (TAPS) is an open-access, peer reviewed online educational journal presently published 4 times a year since October 2021. TAPS published one issue when it was first launched in June 2016 and increased to 3 issues per year from 2017 to December 2020. In 2021, TAPS published 4 issues. From 2022, TAPS will release a new issue in every January, April, July, October annually. 

TAPS aims to address the needs of health professionals involved in the education of future practitioners. It provides a forum for communication amongst health professional educators across the disciplines. The journal’s areas of focus include: research in medical and health professional education, pedagogical innovations, educational leadership and management. 

TAPS serves as a bridge to link our readers, researches and educators with different concepts being applied in different regions, the lessons learned and how well to adapt these best practices through cutting edge research. This open access journal aims to provide free resources in terms of research evidence and best practices in medical education to countries which have limited access to contemporary health education literature.

Open Access

The Asia Pacific Scholar (TAPS) is an open access journal where there are no Article Processing Charges (APC) incurred for reading and publishing of materials with TAPS. Readers of TAPS are free to adapt and share the published materials for non-commercial purposes, provided that TAPS is duly accredited and cited.

Categories of Manuscripts

TAPS welcomes manuscripts under the following categories:

  • Original Article
  • Review Article
  • Short Communication
  • Letter to the Editor
  • Global Perspective
  • Innovation and Insight
  • Commentary
  • Multimedia Article

For templates of the categories, please refer to Instructions to Authors.

Revenue Sources

TAPS is funded through the Centre for Medical Education (CenMED), Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore. All issues published do not receive any special sponsorship or funding.

Advertising Policy

TAPS will have limited and unobtrusive advertising on the annual printed copy only. Advertisements will be restricted to conferences, courses and other educational activities and/or educational products and services. The Editor reserves the rights on any advertisements published.

Should you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Yvonne Chua / Mr Yeo Su Ping, Journal Coordinators.

Copyright License and Permission

© 2025 National University of Singapore. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Based on a work at https://medicine.nus.edu.sg/taps/.

(ISSN 2424-9270 online; 2424-9335 print)
