A critical review on the impact of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning on well-being and resilience in medical education
Submitted: 24 December 2023
Accepted: 31 July 2024
Published online: 7 January, TAPS 2025, 10(1), 4-9
Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff1,2
1Department of Medical Education, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia; 2Centre for the Development of Academic Excellence, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Introduction: This article explores the dynamic relationship between the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) and the well-being of students and educators within the context of medical education.
Methods: The author critically reviewed the salient views and knowledge at the intersection of SoTL, well-being, and resilience. By critically examining literature, insights from various studies were synthesised, offering a detailed overview of the current state of knowledge in this field. This review guided the identification of key practices and recommendations.
Results: SoTL emerges as a transformative force, enhancing well-being for both students and educator through evidence-based practices and innovative teaching methods. The article explores the crucial role of SoTL in fostering resilience, not only among students but also among educators. Despite promising evidence, challenges in implementing SoTL for well-being persist, requiring strategic approaches to overcome traditional paradigms. The discussion extends to the global implications of SoTL, emphasising the need for collaborative efforts to foster better educational practices and establish inclusive learning environments.
Conclusion: As we assess the evidence for transformative change, a call-to-action echoes, urging global collaboration, research endeavors, and institutional support to realise the full potential of SoTL, ultimately creating environments where both learners and educators thrive.
Practice Highlights
- Employ evidence-based teaching methods derived from SoTL practices.
- Prioritise individuals’ mental, emotional, and social growth through SoTL practices.
- Cultivate adaptive learning approaches to enhance student resilience through SoTL practices.
- Acknowledge and bolster the well-being of educators through SoTL practices.
- Embrace cross-cultural collaboration within the realm of SOTL practices.
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) involves a systematic examination of teaching practices and their impact on student outcomes, aiming to achieve optimal educational results and contribute to societal enhancement (Luan et al., 2019). Rooted in research, evidence, and critical reflection, SoTL enhances practices within specific disciplines and professions (Coleman et al., 2023). Typically led by discipline-specific teachers, SoTL-based projects focus on improving both teaching methods and students’ learning experiences (Coleman et al., 2023). In the evolving educational landscape, including advancements in technology and shifts in learning methods, SoTL is essential for improving instructional techniques and evaluating their impact on both academic success and the well-being of students and educators. Wellbeing signifies the state of positive emotions, effective functioning, the realisation of one’s potential, a sense of control, purpose, and positive relationships (Ruggeri et al., 2020). Within traditional teaching methods, a pivotal research question arises: Do we have enough evidence to advocate for a significant change acknowledging the diverse experiences of educators and learners? This prompts a close examination of the current educational landscape, evolving roles of educators and learners, and the urgent need for a comprehensive understanding of well-being and resilience in the context of SoTL.
The author critically reviewed the salient views and knowledge at the intersection of SoTL, well-being, and resilience. By critically examining selected literature from diverse studies, insights were synthesised to present a detailed overview of the current state of knowledge in this field. The approach allowed for an in-depth exploration of how SoTL principles are implemented and their impact on the well-being of students and educator. The synthesis of study findings resulted in a comprehensive understanding and practical recommendations for transformative educational practices.
A. Current Landscape of Teaching and Learning
The current way we teach relies heavily on traditional methods, often involving direct instruction and focusing on course content. While these methods have traditionally aimed at spreading knowledge, we are now questioning their impact on the well-being of students and educator (Coleman et al., 2023; Khairul Anhar Holder et al., 2023). Conventional teaching, with its emphasis on standardised assessments and delivering content, might unintentionally lead to increased stress and reduced resilience among learners. It’s clear that education is changing, and there is a growing call for a more comprehensive approach to teaching and learning. This means exploring methods that not only promote academic success but also prioritising the well-being and resilience of everyone involved in education.
B. Current Concept of Scholar of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
SoTL is a dynamic approach to education, dedicated to improving teaching methods and enhancing student learning experiences (Coleman et al., 2023; Luan et al., 2019). It employs transformative teaching methods that connect academic content with real-world contexts, fostering critical thinking skills. SoTL involves reflective practice, where educators systematically assess and improve teaching using evidence-based research and educational theory. SoTL promotes knowledge sharing among educators, encouraging collaboration and professional development. Through educational inquiry, SoTL engages educators in thorough investigations, contributing to knowledge creation that enhances teaching practices. Ultimately, SoTL serves as a catalyst for transforming education by advocating for experiential learning, innovative teaching methods, and inclusive strategies, preparing students for success in a changing global landscape. SoTL encompasses transformative pedagogy, reflective practice, teacher dissemination, educational inquiry, and educational transformation (see Figure 1).
Figure 1. The key characteristics of SoTL
C. Defining Well-being and Resilience in Medical Education
In medical education, well-being goes beyond simply being stress-free (Roslan et al., 2022; Ruggeri et al., 2020). Alongside well-being, resilience becomes essential for overcoming challenges since it is the ability to recover from setbacks, adapt to changing circumstances, and thrive in adversity (Khairul Anhar Holder et al., 2023; Roslan et al., 2022). Figure 2 illustrates the interconnected components and outcomes of well-being in medical education. The left side highlights factors contributing to well-being such as resilience, while the right side shows the outcomes of enhanced well-being, such as better patient care, and reduced burnout.
Figure 2. The interconnectedness of wellbeing and resilience in medical education
D. Roles of SoTL in Enhancing Well-being and Resilience
SoTL proves to influence student well-being enhancement within educational environments (Coleman et al., 2023; Luan et al., 2019). As educators embrace evidence-based practices, the imperative of prioritising well-being in pedagogical discourse becomes evident. SoTL, employing rigorous research and reflective teaching, seeks strategies that not only elevate academic success but also positively contributes to the student experience. Research findings highlight the substantial impact of teaching practices guided by SoTL principles on student engagement, motivation, and satisfaction (Coleman et al., 2023; Khairul Anhar Holder et al., 2023). This intertwining of SoTL with well-being underscores its pivotal role in shaping a more comprehensive and enriching educational experience (Coleman et al., 2023).
E. Educator Well-being
Teaching, with its inherent demands and complexities, can significantly influence educators’ well-being. SoTL recognises the critical role of supporting educator well-being as essential for sustainable and effective teaching practices. Educator well-being extends beyond workload management to encompass the emotional and intellectual dimensions of teaching. Institutions embracing SoTL principles prioritise initiatives such as professional development, mentorship programs, and fostering a conducive work environment (Coleman et al., 2023; Luan et al., 2019). These endeavors not only elevate teaching quality but also contribute to the personal and professional growth of educators, leading to their well-being.
F. Student Well-being
The core of SoTL lies in its significant impact on students’ well-being, surpassing traditional measures of academic success by recognising the intricate connection between a student’s educational success and their overall well-being (Khairul Anhar Holder et al., 2023). The implementation of evidence-based teaching practices, guided by SoTL principles, establishes an environment conducive to positive mental, emotional, and social development among students. Research indicates that students exposed to such approaches report higher levels of satisfaction, motivation, and a sense of belonging within the academic setting (Coleman et al., 2023). Through innovative teaching methods, SoTL fosters holistic student development, addressing diverse needs and serve as a catalyst for student well-being, cultivating a rewarding and supportive educational experience (Coleman et al., 2023; Luan et al., 2019).
G. Challenges in Implementing SoTL for Well-being
Despite the potential of SoTL to improve student and educator well-being, its implementation faces challenges, notably overcoming traditional teaching paradigms. Resistance to change within academic institutions, often rooted in institutional cultures and ingrained beliefs, can hinder the integration of SoTL-informed practices. Cultural and institutional barriers may also manifest in the allocation of resources and recognition. SoTL demands time, collaboration, and institutional support for meaningful implementation, posing challenges for institutions in prioritising these aspects over more traditional academic pursuits (Luan et al., 2019). The complex challenges associated with integrating SoTL for well-being underscore the necessity for strategic approaches to overcome these obstacles and pave the way for transformative changes in educational practices (Coleman et al., 2023).
H. The Need for Resilience in Learning Environments
In the ever-evolving field of education, resilience stands out as a crucial quality for navigating the complexities of learning environments (Khairul Anhar Holder et al., 2023; Roslan et al., 2022; Ruggeri et al., 2020). Students who develop resilience not only excel academically but also build a mindset that prepares them for uncertainties in the future. SoTL plays a vital role in fostering resilience by promoting pedagogical strategies that encourage adaptive learning. Through experiential approaches, collaborative projects, and real-world applications of knowledge, SoTL contributes to the development of resilient learners (Coleman et al., 2023). SoTL emphasises the transformative potential of educational practices that not only convey knowledge but also equip learners with the resilience needed to thrive in an ever-changing world (Coleman et al., 2023; Luan et al., 2019).
I. Evaluating the Evidence for Transformational Change
Do we have enough evidence to support a transformative change in educational practices? Recent studies indicate a strong connection between SoTL-informed teaching practices and positive outcomes, both academically and well-being (Coleman et al., 2023). However, challenges exist due to variability in methodologies, research scope, and the need for longitudinal studies to assess sustained effects. The evidence is promising, showing improved student engagement, increased educator satisfaction, and positive learning environments (Coleman et al., 2023). Further research is needed to establish causal relationships and identify specific SoTL elements contributing significantly to well-being. A global perspective is crucial, requiring collaborative, cross-cultural research efforts to enrich the evidence base and ensure global applicability of transformative changes.
J. Implications for Global Medical Education
Exploring SoTL’s impact on student and educator well-being has profound implications for global medical education. Applied globally, SoTL principles can transcend cultural and institutional boundaries, fostering a more inclusive and responsive educational landscape (Roslan et al., 2022; Ruggeri et al., 2020). Successful SoTL implementations globally offer insights for transformative changes in education (Coleman et al., 2023; Luan et al., 2019). However, addressing cultural nuances, regional differences, and institutional variations requires a careful global approach to applying SoTL principles. Global medical education benefits from collective efforts, fostering cross-cultural exchanges of SoTL best practices (Coleman et al., 2023). The wide-reaching implications of SoTL, underscored by a system-learner-oriented framework for well-being (Figure 3), highlight the need for collaborative endeavors to shape a more equitable global educational experience. SoTL should be reimagined as an emerging practice for researchers to impact teaching, learning, and assessment, promoting well-being (Coleman et al., 2023).
Figure 3. A System-Learner-Oriented SoTL for Wellbeing Framework
The current education landscape is undergoing a significant shift away from traditional teaching practices due to their potential unwanted impact on student and educator well-being (Coleman et al., 2023; Khairul Anhar Holder et al., 2023). This recognition has led to a growing urgency for transformative changes aligned with global academic needs. SoTL, encompassing transformative pedagogy, reflective practice, teacher dissemination, educational inquiry, and transformation, emerges as a guiding light in this educational shift, committing to enhancing teaching methodologies and student learning experiences despite facing challenges (Coleman et al., 2023; Luan et al., 2019).
Implementing SoTL for well-being faces many challenges, including resistance to change, institutional cultures, and fixed beliefs (Coleman et al., 2023; Luan et al., 2019). The need for resources, time, collaboration, and institutional support becomes apparent for meaningful implementation. This highlight potential lack of awareness amongst educator regarding SoTL practices, emphasising the importance of strategic approaches. Additionally, resilience in learning environments is vital for maintaining well-being and achieving academic success (Roslan et al., 2022; Ruggeri et al., 2020). In medical education, building resilience among students and educator is essential for coping with challenges (Khairul Anhar Holder et al., 2023) and recovering from setbacks effectively (Roslan et al., 2022).
Evaluating the current evidence on SoTL and its impact on well-being reveals promising connections but shows up the need for further research (Coleman et al., 2023). Recognising the variability in methodologies, research scope, and the necessity for longitudinal studies is crucial. Comprehensive evaluations and robust evidence are needed to validate the effectiveness of SoTL practices and their long-term impact on both student and educator well-being. This includes an in-depth examination of SoTL’s potential benefits and challenges to ensure that its implementation leads to meaningful and sustainable improvements in educational practices.
Advocating for a global perspective highlight diverse educational contexts worldwide. Collaborative, cross-cultural research efforts are vital to enrich the evidence base and ensure the global applicability of transformative changes. The extension of educational experiences and innovations through sharing practices and policies will be crucial. By integrating SoTL principles, fostering a culture of continuous improvement, and prioritising well-being, global medical education can create supportive, resilient, and effective learning environments that cater to the holistic development of students and educator.
Integrating SoTL with student and educator well-being signifies a transformative shift in global education. The evidence reveals that adoption of SoTL principles as a pathway to comprehensive educational experiences, emphasising the connection between teaching methods and well-being. A resounding call to action emphasises the essential need for global collaboration, dedicated research, and institutional support to unlock SoTL’s full potential. Only through these collective efforts can educational environments foster the flourishing of student and educator, marking a paradigm shift worldwide.
Notes on Contributors
MSBY contributes to the conception of the work, the acquisition of data for the work, drafts the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content, approves the final version to be published, and agrees to be accountable for all aspects of the work.
The content of this article is mainly based on a presentation titled “SOTL in Student and Faculty Well-being and Resilience – Do We Have Enough Evidence for a Transformational Change?” given by the author at the 20th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference in Singapore. This article has undergone language editing by ChatGPT 3.5 to enhance its syntax and improve overall clarity.
This paper has not received any fundings.
Declaration of Interest
The author declared no conflict of interests.
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*Assoc. Prof. Dr Muhamad Saiful Bahri Bin Yusoff
Department of Medical Education,
School of Medical Sciences,
Universiti Sains Malaysia,
Kelantan, Malaysia
Email: msaiful_bahri@usm.my