Synthetic Biology

NUS Synthetic Biology TRP

The Synthetic Biology Strategic Research Programme (SynBioS) translates basic research excellence with clinical medicine to impact positive health outcomes for Singapore. The proposed programme involves developing highly customised cells imbued with biological precision and cellular autonomy. These programmable cells are designed to meet the specific aims of treating diseases, promoting functional living, and restoring planetary health.

The BioSynS seeks to repurpose biology for positive clinical impact and aims to harness synthetic biology principles to:

1. Develop therapeutic cells against human diseases – develop therapeutic probiotics that autonomously modulate gastrointestinal homeostasis in response to disease states and restore normalcy.

2. Enhance functional living of human beings – employ synthetic biology and (pre-)clinical evaluations to promote functional living through the development of functional foods using macronutrients and phytonutrients.

3. Promote planetary health – actualise synthetic biology to ensure the sustainability of human civilisation via developing technologies to safeguard human health and protect the natural systems upon which humans depend.

Faculty who are members of Synthetic Biology TRP:
