Emotional Health

Dr Sarada Bulchand Emotional Health Seminar – 10 May 2024

Emotional Agility for a Healthier You

Video Link: https://youtu.be/paeASUmKgqo


Dr Darryl Tan Emotional Health Seminar – 19 April 2024

Helping Our Youth Flourish – Observations on Youth Mental Health

Video Link: https://youtu.be/7xkutgQciSg


Dr Hakim Young Emotional Health Seminar – 26 January 2024

Burnout canaries: Helping each other mitigate harm from “coal mine workplaces”

Video URL: https://youtu.be/6EesvP-78wg


Dr Siau Chiang & Dr Tan E-Ching Emotional Health Seminar – 15 September 2023

Insight – through a Mindfulness Lens

Video Link: https://youtu.be/x72JaLvx_QE?si=ftHx8VXPczApxuBI


Dr. Kinjal Doshi Emotional Health Seminar – 12 May 2023

Resilience & Grit in the pursuit of Excellence

Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es8nOU6O8Tc


Dr. Ira Agrawal Emotional Health Seminar – 14 Apr 2023

The Mind-Breath Connection & How to Utilize it to Manage Stress

Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bblR8XOo2u0 


Assoc. Prof. Celestial T. Yap and Dr Viginia Lien Emotional Health Seminar – 10 Mar 2023

Befriending Stress – Understanding Stress Physiology and Psychology

Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLuWDFaN6L0

Dr Maleena Suppiah Cavert Emotional Health Seminar – 13 Feb 2023

Emotional Health: Caring for Ourselves while we care for others

Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeWd0ze-AAU


Dr Hakim Young Education Seminar – 7 July 2022

Emotional Health: Rewiring Our Hearts and Minds

Video URL: https://vimeo.com/727697747
