WEHS Workshop – Let’s play!: Teaching your baby in a playful way! (Practical Workshop)

Events   16 September, 2017

Date: 16 September 2017

Time: 9-10AM or 11AM-12PM

Venue: Seminar Room T09- 04, Level 9, NUHS Tower Block

Target Audience: Parents with infants up to 1 year old

Registration Fee: $65 per participant or $85 per couple (4 sessions)

• Understand your child’s social-emotional, physical and cognitive development
• Gain practical play skills to enhance your interaction with your child
• Participate in fun-filled and age-appropriate activities with your child during the practical workshop and interact with like-minded parents to exchange useful tips and ideas for play

* Practical workshops will be conducted in two different groups (depending on subscription) to ensure children of similar age are grouped together.


Click here to register with us today!

For more information, please call (65) 6772 2037 or email to wehs@nuhs.edu.sg.