WEHS Workshop – Let’s play!: Teaching your baby in a playful way! (Lecture)

Events   9 September, 2017

Date: 9 September 2017

Time: 9:30-11:30AM

Venue: Seminar Room T09- 04, Level 9, NUHS Tower Block

Target Audience: Parents with infants up to 1 year old

Registration Fee: $65 per participant or $85 per couple (4 sessions)

• Understand your child’s social-emotional, physical and cognitive development
• Gain practical play skills to enhance your interaction with your child
• Participate in fun-filled and age-appropriate activities with your child during the practical workshop and interact with like-minded parents to exchange useful tips and ideas for play


Click here to register with us today!

For more information, please call (65) 6772 2037 or email to wehs@nuhs.edu.sg.