We are pleased to share that our department has successfully hosted the Clinical Assessment of Skills and Competencies (CASC) Examination on 13 – 14 June 2017, under the strong collaboration with DGMS and RCPsych.
This is the first time that the CASC examination is held in Singapore; it is the only clinical assessment and the final examination to pass before the delegates can obtain the prestigious membership of Royal College of Psychiatrists and to pursue their fellowship and advance training in Singapore, UK, New Zealand, Canada.
We saw 24 multi-national candidates trained in Singapore (Psychiatry Residency), Malaysia, Ireland, Toronto, Sudan, Egypt, Pakistan etc. who registered for this final part of MRCPsych Clinical CASC exams.
The UK Examiners were very pleased with the organization at DGMS, MMed(Psych) Exam Board, local examiners’ and Standardized Patients’ high level of performance benchmarked to that of main UK campus Sheffield CASC exams.
This helps to anchor NUS DGMS as the leader in clinical psychiatry examinations both nationally and in East Asia. We are looking forward to conducting the next round of MRCPsych CASC exams next year.