Date: 1 February 2018
Time: 8-9AM
Venue: Seminar Room T09-04, Level 9, NUHS Tower Block
Speaker: Prof Robert Hendren, Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, University of California, San Francisco
Chairperson: A/Prof John Wong Chee Meng, Head, Associate Professor & Senior Consultant, Dept of Psychological Medicine, NUH
Brief Abstract:
Critically review the wide variety of Biomedical complementary and integrative (CIM) treatments proposed for the treatment of people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD)
Learning Objectives
- Describe in more detail the studies with stronger evidence of efficacy;
- Describe how to discuss CIM with families of people with ASD; and
- Describe how CIM treatments with the strongest evidence can be incorporated into practice through case examples and what to do if families want to try others.