Journal Club – Music cognition and translational research: Building a bridge between basic science and music- based therapies and interventions

Events   20 April, 2017

Date: 20 April 2017

Time: 8-9AM

Venue: Seminar Room T09- 04, Level 9, NUHS Tower Block

Speaker: Dr Kat Agres, Research Scientist, Social & Cognitive Computing Department, A*STAR

Chairperson: Prof Kua Ee Heok, Senior Consultant, Dept. of Psychological Medicine, NUH

Brief Abstract:

I will begin by discussing my recent research in the area of Music Cognition, with a focus on musical learning and memory. Next, I will offer perspectives on how these findings may be applied in clinical settings and discuss possible music-based interventions. Finally, I will touch upon ongoing research to develop music technology for cognitive and motor rehabilitation in stroke patients.