Journal Club – Internet Addiction in Asia

Events   10 August, 2017

Date: 10 August 2017

Time: 8-9AM

Venue: Seminar Room T09- 04, Level 9, NUHS Tower Block


A/Prof Roger Ho, Consultant, Dept. of Psychological Medicine, NUH
Dr Tammy Tsang, Resident, Department of Psychological Medicine, NUHS

Chairperson:  A/Prof Rathi Mahendren, Senior Consultant, Dept. of Psychological Medicine, NUH

Brief Abstract:

How would you feel if you have no access to internet for 1 day? With the growth of internet users worldwide, Internet Addiction (IA) has become a pandemic in the new era. IA is a form of behavioural addiction and its diagnostic criteria are similar to other forms of addiction. A/Prof Roger Ho has studied this phenomenon with other researchers from different countries in Asia. He will present his findings published in the past 4 years.