Journal Club – Characteristics of overdose and non-overdose suicide attempts admitted to the National University Hospital in 2004-2006 and 2009-2012

Events   2 August, 2018

Date: 2 August 2018

Time: 8-9AM

Venue: Seminar Room T09- 04, Level 9, NUHS Tower Block

Speaker: A/Prof Roger Ho, Senior Consultant, Dept of Psychological Medicine, NUH

Chairperson: Dr Johnson Fam, Consultant, Dept of Psychological Medicine, NUH

Brief Abstract:

A/Prof Roger Ho will share his research findings on suicide attempters admitted to the NUH and other research findings related to suicide which were published in the Asian Journal of Psychiatry, BMC Psychiatry, Archive of Suicide Research and PLoS One. These research findings will help us to understand the suicide behaviour of our patients and formulate management and prevention strategies.