WEHS Workshop – Lunch Time Parenting Series – Coaching your toddler the positive way: Practical strategies for discipline

Events   16 June, 2017

Date: 16 June 2017

Time: 12-1PM

Venue: Seminar Room T09- 04, Level 9, NUHS Tower Block

Target Audience: Parents with children aged 3 to 6

Registration Fee: $65 per participant or $85 per couple (4 sessions)

• This series of weekly one-hour workshops is a follow-up from the ‘Terrific Toddler – Positive Discipline’ workshop. It aims to bring a group of parents together to understand and learn ways to be with their toddlers in a more in-depth manner
• Each session will be delivered through facilitated group discussions, activities and take-home ideas for participants to engage their toddlers.

Topics that will be covered include:
• Building a warm relationship through play
• The artful way of instructing your toddler
• Effective limit setting


Click here to register with us today!

For more information, please call (65) 6772 2037 or email to wehs@nuhs.edu.sg.