WEHS Workshop – Enhancing Parenting with Mindful Awareness: Part 1 – Connecting with and understanding yourself as a parent

Events   20 January, 2018

Date: 20 January 2018

Time: 9:30-11:30AM

Venue: Seminar Room T07- 04, Level 7, NUHS Tower Block

Target Audience: Parents with children aged 1 to 6

Registration Fee: $65 per participant or $85 per couple (Part 1 and Part 2)

• Mindfulness will enable you to step up to the joys and challenges of raising children – you will want to be present for your child unconditionally, as well as learn to take things in your stride.

• Learn ways to cultivate mindfulness skills – self-awareness, acceptance, non-judgemental, curiosity, and compassion – and bring them into the parent-child relationship.

• Create a fertile ground for your child to develop into a well-adjusted, secured and happy individual.


Click here to register with us today!

For more information, please call (65) 6772 2037 or email to wehs@nuhs.edu.sg.