Assoc Prof Ng Tze Pin

Assoc Prof Ng Tze Pin

MBBS (S’pore), PhD, FAFOEM (Australia), FAMS (OM), MFPHM (Public Health) (UK)

Associate Professorial Fellow & Research Director, Department of Psychological Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore


Prof Ng Tze Pin is a trained physician epidemiologist and public health medicine specialist. He is currently an Associate Professorial Fellow and Research Director at the Department of Psychological Medicine, where he co-ordinates the Gerontology Research Programme, a multidisciplinary programme of research on ageing and health. He is a visiting scientist at Peking University Institute of Mental Health and National Ageing Research Institute of Melbourne University. He is a visiting consultant at Alexandra Hospital, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital and St Luke’s Hospital, and an Adjunct Principal Investigator at the Geriatric Education and Research Institute.

Under the Gerontology Research Programme, he is the Principal Investigator of the Singapore Longitudinal Ageing Studies (SLAS), a population-based cohort follow-up study of 6,000 older Singaporeans, which focus on the themes of dementia, depression, frailty and successful ageing.

His current research interests include the role of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome in dementia, multisystem biological and multi-domain biopsychosocial characterisation of frailty and successful ageing, and population-based and clinical interventions.

Prof Ng has published over 300 research papers in peer-reviewed journals and presented 150 papers in scientific conferences and meetings on dementia, depression, physical disability, frailty and successful ageing. He is a member of the expert panel of American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) Global Council on Brain Health, and the Editorial Boards of a number of scientific journals including Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, Postgraduate Medicine, Current Translational Geriatrics & Experimental Gerontology Reports.

Over the years, he has provided consultancy services and was on the advisory panels and scientific working groups of a number of government and non-governmental organizations, and has conducted numerous training courses, public lectures and talks on gerontological topics at local and international meetings.


Selected Publications:

  1. Ng TP, Niti M, Tan WC, Cao Z, Ong KC & Eng P (2007). Depressive symptoms and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: effect on mortality, hospital readmission, symptom burden, functional status, and quality of life.Archives of Internal Medicine,167(1), 60.
  1. Ng TP, Feng L, Niti M, Kua EH & Yap KB (2008). Tea consumption and cognitive impairment and decline in older Chinese adults.The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,88, 224-231.
  1. Ng TP, Feng L, Nyunt MSZ, Larbi A & Yap KB (2014). Frailty in Older Persons: Multisystem Risk Factors and the Frailty Risk Index (FRI).Journal of the American Medical Directors Association,15(9), 635-642.
  1. Ng TP, Feng L, Nyunt MSZ, Feng L, Niti M, Tan BY, Chan G, Khoo SA, Chan SM, Yap P & Yap KB (2015). Nutritional, Physical, Cognitive, and Combination Interventions and Frailty Reversal Among Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial.The American Journal of Medicine,128(11), 1225-1236.
  1. Ng TP, Feng L, Nyunt MSZ, Feng L, Gao Q, Lim ML, Collinson SL, Chong MS, Lim WS, Lee TS, Yap P & Yap KB (2016). Metabolic Syndrome and the Risk of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Progression to Dementia.JAMA Neurology,73(4), 456-463.


Research Focus

  • Role of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome in dementia
  • Multi-domain biopsychosocial characterisation of frailty and successful ageing
  • Population-based and clinical interventions


Academic Appointments

Member of Academic Committee, NUS Mind Science Centre


Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations

Fellow of the Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

Fellow (Occupational Medicine), Academy of Medicine Singapore

Member, Faculty of Public Health Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, United Kingdom

Member, Global Council on Brain Health, AARP, United States

Member, Science for Ageing Policy Advisory Committee, MOH, Singapore

Member, Editorial Board of Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders

Member, Editorial Board of Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease

Member, Editorial Board of Postgraduate Medicine

Member, Editorial Board of Current Translational Geriatrics & Experimental Gerontology Reports


Professional Education

MBBS, National University of Singapore

MSc in Occupational Medicine, National University of Singapore