

Effective Psychological Interventions in Primary Care

Editor: Dr Andrew Peh

This book, written by Dr Peh and his team of trainers, is intended for primary healthcare providers, such as family doctors, nurses and allied health professionals. This handy guide is also useful for the general community as it provides techniques to promote behaviour change, cognitive change, mindfulness, relaxation and good sleeping tips.

View the Ebook Online

Conference Presentation

Multi-domain Lifestyle and Vascular Risk Factors and Interventions for Dementia Prevention

By: A/Prof Ng Tze Pin

The following slides are presented at the 5th Singapore International Neurocognitive Symposium, held on the 18 March 2017, at Raffles City Convention Centre. The slides include information on the various interventions and the effectiveness of these methods, which is studied across several research projects. These interventions include diet, exercise, vascular care, cognitive training, etc…

It also shares some useful tips on preventing dementia.

Slides: Multi-domain Lifestyle and Vascular Risk Factors and Interventions for Dementia Prevention from NUSPsychMed

Frailty and Sarcopenia in Singaporeans: Prevalence, Biological and Clinical factors, and Interventions

By: A/Prof Ng Tze Pin

The following slides are presented as a mini-symposium that is held on 6 December 2016, at Biopolis. It explains the definitions of frailty and Sarcopenia and it includes how interventions can help to reverse frailty among the elderly. The slides show findings from the Singapore Longitudinal Ageing Studies (SLAS) and the Singapore Frailty Intervention Trial (FIT).

Slides: Frailty and Sarcopenia in Singaporeans from NUSPsychMed

Shifting Paradigm in Geriatric Care: Ageing without Dementia

By: A/Prof Ng Tze Pin

The following slides are presented at the Alexandra Health Forum 2016: Healthcare for the Future, held on the 25 – 27 August 2016, at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital. It touches on the risks and protective factors of dementia and provides health tips and foods to consume that could help to keep brains healthy.

Slides: Ageing without Dementia from NUSPsychMed

Food and Mental Stimulation to Prevent Dementia

By: A/Prof Ng Tze Pin

The following slides are presented at a public seminar, held on the 1 March 2008. It touches on the risks and protective factors of dementia and provides food recommendations to consume that could help to keep brains healthy.

Slides: Food and Mental Stimulation from NUSPsychMed