PCPP (Primary Care Partnership Programme)

With the Silver Tsunami before us, Dementia is an issue of growing concern as it has health, social and economic implications on persons with dementia, his/her family and the society at large. Currently estimated at 20,000, the prevalence of dementia in Singapore is projected to rise to 48,000 by 2020. There is an urgent need to engage primary care providers to assist with the care of these patients. With the inclusion of Dementia as part of the Chronic Disease Management Programme (CDMP), General Practitioners (GPs) have signed up to be trained to look after patients with Dementia.

GPs are key players in providing primary healthcare in Singapore. In light of this, NUH seeks to establish the Primary Care Partnership Programme with GPs who are interested to co-drive the management of the increasing number of patients with chronic Dementia in the community. NUH also seeks to facilitate and support primary care physicians in taking care of this group of patients, thereby enhancing the integration and cooperation between tertiary hospitals and community entities.