urogenital pathology

The urogenital system is a large, complex, multi-organ system. Hence in order to approach such a complex topic, it is important to break it into smaller chunks.
We will be learning about each chunk separately, while appreciating that they are all connected.
Essentially, the UG system will be divided into THREE main parts:
i. Kidney (this will again be divided into main disease categories and THREE main subparts)
ii. Lower urinary tract (Ureters, bladder, urethra)
iii. Male genital system (Prostate, penis, testis)
In each section, you will learn about Main Disease Categories (eg. Inflammatory ; Neoplastic ; Congenital), and then be given an overview of some of the individual conditions. This material is supplementary to your lecture notes and texts, and is meant to help you make sense out of the topic by keeping the big picture in mind.
We will also run through some of the main clinical manifestations of renal and lower urinary tract diseases.
Here are the main sections: