On this page you will get an overview of the main disease of the JOINTS and BONES.
We will begin by looking at diseases of the JOINTS.
Mindmap: Main Diseases of the Joints
If you can't play the video, watch it here on YouTube: https://youtu.be/CKbC_XvXeuo
Case: The patient is a 54 year old man with a very painful swollen left knee. The knee was found to be warm, red and tender, with a large joint effusion. A needle was used to aspirate the fluid, which was sent to the Pathology and Microbiology labs.
Here is what the pathologist will see, on microscopic examination of the fluid, under polarised light microscopy.
What does this picture show?

We will now move on toe disease of the BONES.
Mindmap: Main Diseases of the Bones (Part 1)
If you can't play the video, watch it here on YouTube: https://youtu.be/JYP11ibOus4
Mindmap: Bone Neoplasms - Main Diseases of the Bones (Part 2)
If you can't play the video, watch it here on YouTube: https://youtu.be/nJ676resEdQ
This diagram illustrates the localisation of benign and malignant tumours within long bones: