Here is a 3 minute video explaining how to approach liver pots - how observing the pattern of involvement helps you work out the diagnosis.

You can apply this to many other organs too eg. lung, thyroid, brain etc.

If you can't play the video, watch it here on YouTube:

For a more detailed approach to how to get the most out of the pots you are examining, refer to the chapter: How to Describe Pots

media gallery

1. Cirrhosis: Talking pot

If you can't play the video, watch it here on YouTube:

2. Cirrhosis: Talking slide

If you can't play the video, watch it here on YouTube:

3. Liver: Compare and Contrast

If you can't play the video, watch it here on YouTube:

View these in the Virtual Pathology Museum: Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Liver Metastases

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