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2022 Mid-Year Updates: Mind Science Centre Newsletter

In the latest issue of our Newsletter, the spotlight is placed on our new key initiative ‘Dementia Asia’ e-portal!

Dementia Asia is an initiative to bring Mind Science Centre’s research from the academic community closer to the general public. While our research has been well-acknowledged in academia, it is unfortunate that not much has been publicised to the public at large. Hence, this new e-portal aims to bridge that gap, delivering evidence-based, Asian-centric information on active ageing and dementia prevention to further impact our community to build An Undefeated Mind.

Beyond that, we recapped the interesting events from April to September and provided recent updates to our existing programmes.

Click on the image below to read our full Newsletter!


We are here to make a difference in Singapore’s mental health scene and we are inviting you to join us in our meaningful cause. Join our mailing list and share the upcoming events with your friends and family!