Winner of Lilly Medal and Prize in Pharmacology 2024: Dr Jayasinghe Migara KAVISHKA

Congratulation to Dr Jayasinghe Migara KAVISHKA on being selected as the winner of Lilly Medal and Prize in Pharmacology 2024.

In 2015, Lilly-NUS Center for Clinical Pharmacology Pte Ltd, a subsidiary of Eli Lilly and Company, established this annual award for NUS students who have excelled in Pharmacology studies and training. a cash prize of $250 and a gold medal will be awarded to the PhD student with the Best PhD Research Thesis in Pharmacology.

Thesis Title: Development of Novel Extracellular Vesicle Engineering Approaches for Enhancing the Efficacy of Anti-Cancer Therapeutics

Thesis Advisors: Asst Prof. LE Thi Nguyet Minh