The Investigational Medicine Unit (IMU) was established to lead and facilitate investigational medicine research within NUHS through collaborations with academics and industry partners to translate laboratory discoveries.

It facilitates and conducts high quality clinical trials to enable patient access to novel therapeutics and technology. IMU’s focus is on early phase clinical trials which includes Proof of Concept, Phase 1 and Phase 2 studies. It also supports Phase 3 and Phase 4 studies, biomarker research as well as bio-imaging analysis.


About Us

History of IMU

  1. 1997

    Set up of Clinical Trials Unit (CTU) to support clinical trials conducting in National University hospital (NUH).

    • Provide ICH-GCP compliant clinical trial infrastructure for investigators.
    • Provide a one-stop, seamless contact centre for pharmaceutical companies interested in developing and testing new compounds.
    • Support training programmes for clinical trial management.

  2. 2006

    Successfully completed first First-in-Man H5N1 Vaccine (810501) Industry Sponsored Clinical Trial.

  3. 2009

    CTU renamed as Investigational Medicine Unit (IMU) and focused on developing capabilities and experiences in early-phase clinical trials.

  4. 2011

    IMU participated in the largest Investigator Initiated Clinical Trial of 1,500 Subjects using an online recruitment portal – The CHIP Trial

  5. 2012

    IMU relocated from National Hospital University (NUH) Kent Ridge Wing to Centre for Translational Medicine (CeTM)

    Focal point for medical education and research

    Bring programmatic research areas under one roof

  6. 2016

    The first Principal Investigator initiated, made-in-Singapore oral anti-diabetic drug clinical trial (DAA-I) conducted in IMU.

    This is the first public (NMRC) funded “Made in Singapore” drug to have completed the Phase 1 study in NUHS IMU (Singapore).

  7. 2019

    Supported multiple COVID-19 trials during pandemic period

  8. 2021

    Initiated and completed Phase 1 CAN106 trial within 12 months

    Extensive PK/PD with extended overnight stays

  9. 2022

    Phase 3 clinical trial on world's most expensive drug - Zolgensma

    Significant improvement in patients with Type 2 spinsal muscular atrophy

    Initiated the trial in less than 3 months with more than 9 NUH departments involved

  10. 2023

    Initiated NUHS IMU's first Leukemia trial - Phase 1/2 DSP5336

    Requires multiple inpatient stays, infusions and bone marrow aspirations

Our Team

Dr. Khoo Chin Meng


Clinical Operations

Lin Yuchen


Feasibility and Proposal

Sucan Sutanto


Rachael Ho


Rebecca Lee


CRC Manager

Grace Xie


Billing, Finance & Facilities Management

Toh E-Ling


Esther Ong


Kris Nang


Clinical Research Coordinator

Joanna Kan Zheng Wen (Senior CRC)

Yu Bu Duo (Senior CRC)

Rachael Ho (Senior CRC)

Toh Wei Jie (Senior CRC)

Vithya D/O A Asogan (Senior CRC)

Rebecca Lee (CRC)

Carmen Lee (CRC)

Ling Siew Chen (CRC)

Ng Joon Yie (CRC)

Anish Harikrishna (CRC)

Wang Min (CRC)

Sandi Myo Thant (Research Associate)

Lavender Le (Research Assistant)

Nang Su Htet Wynn (Research Assistant)

