aprof liu nan


Division of Biomedical Informatics

Associate Professor

Brief Introduction

A/Prof Liu Nan is an Associate Professor at the Centre for Quantitative Medicine (CQM) and Programme in Health Services and Systems Research (HSSR), Duke-NUS Medical School. He leads the Duke-NUS AI + Medical Sciences Initiative (DAISI). He is also a faculty member at NUS Institute of Data Science, and a graduate faculty member at Duke University, USA. Clinically, Dr Liu is affiliated with SingHealth.

A/Prof Liu is actively working on AI, machine learning, and data science with their applications in various clinical domains. He is also interested in technology translation and commercialization. He co-founded TIIM Healthcare Pte Ltd and serves as its Scientific Advisor. His research has been funded by the National Medical Research Council (NMRC), National Research Foundation (NRF), National Health Innovation Centre (NHIC), Ministry of Education (MOE), AI Singapore, Duke-NUS Medical School, and SingHealth Foundation, as well as industrial partners such as Continental AG.

A/Prof Liu has served as an Editor for more than 10 prestigious peer-reviewed journals, including npj Digital Medicine, PLOS Medicine, BMC Medicine, and IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. Additionally, he is a regular reviewer for many international journals such as The Lancet, JAMA and Nature Medicine. He also serves on the Program Committees of a number of premium AI and data science conferences such as AAAI, NeurIPS, and AMIA.


Ph.D. (Machine Learning)


World’s Top 2% Scientists, Stanford University & Elsevier
Visionary Industry Technology Award, International Federation for Emergency Medicine
Secretariat Award, American Academy of Ophthalmology


Teaching Areas/Graduate Supervision
Journals & Publications