• Events
  • MSc in BMI Social Night November 2023

MSc in BMI Social Night November 2023

The NUS Division of Biomedical Informatics held the next iteration of Social Night for the Master of Science in Biomedical Informatics Coursework (MSc in BMI) on 20 November 2023, which welcomed both the AY22/23 and AY23/24 batch of students. The event was an opportunity for students, our first alumni, faculty and staff to come together to network and socialize in a relaxed and informal setting. The Division was heartened to see more new faces from the AY23/24 cohort and newly joined faculty members!

The evening started off with a welcome speech from Assoc Prof Ngiam Kee Yuan, Head of DBMI, and Chairman of the MSc in BMI programme committee. We were also joined by fellow faculty members -  Asst Prof Amit Kansal, Asst Prof Matthew Chua, Asst Prof Feng Mengling, Dr Judice Koh, Dr Adam Chee, Dr Nicholas Syn and Dr Shaheryar Furqan – who gave valuable advice for further career and academic opportunities. We look forward to future events that continue to foster a sense of community and growth in the field.

social night november
Faculty pic