#: locale=en ## Tour ### Title tour.name = NUS MGC ## Media ### Title panorama_C63B248A_CDD5_2F77_41DC_B825AC595B9E.label = R0020296_HDR_final panorama_E07DF87E_ED33_F13F_41DA_F3E7012DD274.label = R0020294_HDR panorama_FF04B68F_ED75_71DD_41E0_E557E80DF3BC.label = R0020289_HDR photo_8C697D87_9D91_E897_41B3_4167EF756347.label = 8. Elderlift photo_8C895671_9DF1_5B88_41DE_A87F3D27D8BD.label = 1. SimplyPush photo_8F1BD6C7_9D93_D888_41E0_318810C0EAF0.label = 7. Dementia Device Application photo_8F2CBD30_9D97_6988_41CD_1C9DD8A46813.label = 4. Indispensable photo_8FB04F39_9D93_69F8_41CA_E271B8B96D82.label = 3. Simpilly photo_8FBA95C4_9D91_7888_41C2_97646AD4673D.label = 6. APTnea photo_8FCB3BB1_9D91_2888_41C6_937DF2ADE540.label = 9. Project Eve photo_8FD27BB7_9D91_2888_41C4_5590B249B1D2.label = 5. Good Pupils photo_8FED1B3B_9D91_29F8_41D0_B4C7C280B1CA.label = 2. Sanctum photo_AA0E8D56_9B27_DA71_41D7_6B8AF0BCB45E.label = 9. TeleHealthHeroes photo_AA0FCFB9_9B28_5633_41D2_F44138CA8104.label = 11. Kimia photo_AA46A9C9_9B68_FA53_41C9_A676E175873F.label = 8. Ladybug photo_AE5312BA_9B69_CE31_41C8_E17187912F36.label = 6. .DOC photo_AEE1205A_9B59_CA76_41D1_72123F73792C.label = 3. ARMAS photo_B1C86DDA_9B7B_FA76_419C_775B54CF8701.label = 5. Project M photo_B4A75573_9B68_4A37_41CA_FFCED5EC813D.label = 7. Digital Platform for Alternative Therapy Services photo_B4A772EC_9B6F_CE51_41D2_B67637C5FB23.label = 1. Project Contagion photo_B4D2EBF4_9B67_DE31_41DF_140E5E390CE4.label = 2. Physician Mediated Fitness Community photo_B57B06E3_9B58_5657_41DD_1FEF3B0C8AB2.label = 10. Call The Shots photo_B5C0F150_9B28_4A72_41C8_1CC7F19EB843.label = 4. Med Scientist photo_B5DF4733_9B59_D636_41CE_D3E84255B8F3.label = 12. Foot+ video_286E55AF_246C_7CC8_41B0_787C50C98242.label = NUS MGC video_2FD4FE45_246C_4FB8_41AB_A0A209701A88.label = NUS MGC-silent video_8C22E30A_9958_CFD6_41DE_D606317DA5D5.label = 2019 teaser video_8CDD899E_9958_3AEE_41D0_C87BAA41D43E.label = 2019 post event video_E022AF4B_EFEE_1ABD_41ED_DC5E60ED9704.label = Contagion MGC 2020 video_E03A075A_EFEE_E95F_41E3_D68734DA84DD.label = FIT.R Video video_E07628AF_EFE6_67F5_41E3_26E26691FEAD.label = MGC_2020_1116 Project M video_E1DDA13B_F01A_26DD_41EB_68E7834BFFDA.label = MGC_2020_1115_TelehealthHeroes_Final Video- video_E2E4ACE2_ED35_7147_41B7_77CE40E33E5D.label = MGC_2020_1072 Final Video video_FD37EE8A_ED33_31C7_41DB_6CF8560E629F.label = Final Video Pitch_1075 video_FD639346_ED35_374F_41D7_EEEBFB816974.label = MGC Video_1076 video_FD957757_ED52_FF4E_41EC_3197737D91D0.label = TEAM EVE FINAL VID_1107 video_FDA70CBB_ED57_31C5_41EB_4087A3855B5E.label = ElderLift - Scan, Secure, Start (MGC 1100) video_FDC79FE5_EFEE_1974_41DD_64766405D2D8.label = MGC video final_kimia video_FDCAE9C2_ED4F_3347_41DA_F6C3C29BDE57.label = MGC 2020_1074 Sanctum Video Pitch_1074 video_FE83C130_EFFA_E6EB_41C8_38B3F97254D4.label = LadyBug Video_FINAL video_FE992225_EFEE_2AF5_41E8_42D1462AAB75.label = Foot+ video MGC_2020_1123 video_FEDDB675_EFFA_2B55_41E5_F840AD20CC1E.label = MGC_FINAL_VIDEO_1121 video_FEF3B71B_EFFE_2ADD_41D0_377DCF9FD86C.label = 1125_dotdoc video pitch video_FEF9B1FE_ED57_133F_41B8_9153A9940052.label = 1080p_1081 video_FF021CF6_ED53_314E_41DA_0E270361EBFE.label = APTnea Video video_FF32FBD8_ED73_1743_41A6_0306225E126C.label = mgc submission final_1083 video_FFA3CF49_EFEA_1ABC_41E9_4F43EE40E7EB.label = MED_Scientists video_FFEFE548_EFEA_2EBC_41B8_395F1C11A4DB.label = (FINALE) MGC20201119 TEAM ARMAS ## Popup ### Body htmlText_8C344D2E_9D93_E998_41D3_8AFD890C2708.html =

Chan Jia Jing Edmond
Ho Cheng En
Tay Peng Miang
Tan Tee Meng
Tham Jit

Ever had difficulties remembering when to take your medications, or where you left them? Now imagine being blind, and these struggles suddenly get exponentially harder to resolve. Yet, this is a reality for many in the visually impaired community. With no suitable product available in the market, one often resorts to rudimentary methods in remembering their medications. Simpilly aims to fill this gap, tapping on technology to develop a systematic approach to medications. Ultimately, our goal is to enable the visually impaired safe and independent medication practices, and to make what is already a difficult life, just a little simpler.
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Sanctum: Reusable Surgical Masks

Chua Yun Da
Ryan Tian
Daniel Chew Sheng Jin
Ryan Gabriel Tan
Tan Li Ning, Nicole
Matthew Chew Sheng Jun
Leong Shi Ying Victoria
Gabriel Tan Kai Yang

Sanctum is a new reusable mask developed over a few months of prototyping and testing. We’ve taken a different approach - using readily available materials to create an effective but affordable mask. Pain points cited on comfort, price and accessibility are addressed in Sanctum, to ensure comfortable masks are available to all during the pandemic.

From its inception, Sanctum has been actively reaching out to the elderly population. We’ve received generous support from organizations to sponsor and distribute the product. We have successfully distributed over 3,000 masks, with more interested parties on the horizon.
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Yeo Zhen Hao, Elgene
Ng Song Peng, Matthew
Jerome Teo Sze Yong
Guo Kaiting

Our group, SimplyPush aims to tackle the issue of improper positioning of wheelchair handles. Clinical studies show that improper wheelchair handle height can cause back pain and shoulder pain in users. Hence, we have come up with an innovative product that resolves this issue. Our wheelchair handle attachment can be fitted onto any wheelchair and can accommodate a wide range of heights. We hope that through our product, we can help healthcare professionals and caretakers push wheelchairs with more ease.
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Dementia Device Application

Soo Mun Peng, Joycelyn
Neil Gupta
Yap Qi Rou
Koh Zheng Qiang Shawn
Peng WeiXing
Sherry Seah Hwee Ling
Shi Hui Ling
Pang Jia Jun Vernon
Gabriel Tay

Team 1083 comprises of 3 medical students and 6 student developers from NUS, NTU and SMU. We have launched a mobile application named “Memory Box” for people living with memory difficulties and dementia. Created with advice from staff and doctors, we conducted pilot trials on volunteers both face-to-face and via video call. Our goal: To aid users in recalling and retaining information through “memory boxes” created. Our vision: To personalise our tool to users and help them retain their identity. Do look out for our team during Finale Night as we promise to bring you on a journey!
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Good Pupils

Lee Yen Theng
Clarisse Hing Wei Yen
Han Xing Yi
Chua Shae-Linn

Childhood myopia is a prevalent problem, with rates rising exponentially in Singapore and globally. Its rapid progression predisposes to severe ocular pathologies, including macular degeneration and even blindness. We've innovated a wearable anti-myopia device for children, which prevents myopia onset and progression. Its multi-functional sensors monitor myopia-contributing factors while initiating corrective behaviors. Data then syncs and integrates within a user-friendly app interface, which gamifies good eye habits. The app both allows parental guidance and positive reinforcements, to inspire life-long change. To ensure globalised generational changes, our business plan emphasizes financial Good Pupils' sustainability and scalability.
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Chia Ji Hong Augustine
Tan Tuan Hao
Clarisse Hing Wei Yen
Alvin Tay Zhi Jiang
Eldred Sng Hui Yeong
Joshua Seetoh Dewei

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) affects 1 in 3 Singaporeans. It deprives them of oxygen and rest during sleep, leading to long-term cardiovascular and neurological consequences. Pediatric patients often lack well-fitted comfortable CPAP masks for treatment. We aim to develop a sustainable and individualised mask package for a perfectly fitted solution.
We have altered the current treatment model, after carefully analysing its logistical and medical shortcomings. Our innovative new system addresses the unmet needs of all, from patients to care providers. Moreover, by leveraging on current technology and medical research, our system enables effective and well-informed clinical decisions.
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Ng Jing Chun
Chung Ray Ern
Chan Yan Zhi
Benjamin Chew
Ong Xing Xiang

Sarcopenia - loss of muscle especially in elderly - leads to complications like falls and life-threatening fractures. With the greying population, it is an increasingly worrying condition in Singapore. Unfortunately, there is a lack of awareness and motivation among young-and-old Singaporeans alike to engage in weight-bearing exercise. ElderLift app changes that. The user simply attaches his phone onto our partner gyms’ and fitness corners’ machines, and starts exercising. Our algorithm analyses data from his phone’s in-built accelerometer to convert his workout into rewards. Coupled with workout analysis, progress-tracking and in-app interaction with peers, ElderLift increases intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for weight-bearing exercises.
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Project EVE

Chrystie Quek Wan Ning
Himanshu Kathuria
Song Tae Yoon
Lin Chaoyu
Joven Wong Hoe Mun
Vedant Sandhu

Paving the way forth for a generation of thoughtful and Patient-friendly Drug Delivery systems!
Throughout the years, drug delivery systems have been entirely function driven and utilitarian, designed not to inflict pain but to quell it. So why is it that of the various methods around, we find ourselves so hard pressed to pick the best one?

EVE is a patient centric, painless, compact, financially and environmentally sustainable drug delivery system, built on the backbone of Mechanical Movement, Fluid Dynamics, Bio and pharmacokinetic processes with a helping hand from long underrated microneedle technology. We promise you’ll love this.
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Cheong Jia Yang, Alex
Ong How Ting
Jeffrey Ng Yin Jet
Chen Liangyan

We are Indispensable, a team looking to tackle medication non-compliance amongst patients with chronic diseases. Our product, consisting of a scanner and a cloud database, aims to integrate seamlessly into the existing healthcare system. These will be used to keep track of patient’s medication and dosage timings, and provide the necessary alerts to both patients and doctors.
Our system is designed to be flexible and tailored to up-and-coming healthcare trends such as telemedicine, while remaining ergonomic and easy to use. Eventually, we envision Indispensable to become a home-based hub improving remote communication between doctors and patients.
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Joelle Tan Hwee Inn
Ainsley Ryan Lee Yan Bin
Teo Wei Ling Rachel

Our product, KIMIA Rehab Kit, is used by clinicians to monitor progress of patients undergoing MSD-related surgeries and deliver quality care. We combine advanced sensor technology with intuitive software platforms to track, coach and monitor the patient during the entire continuum of care (pre-operative, intra-operative and post-operative). The platform eases patient-clinician interaction and provides comprehensive and actionable recovery information. This makes recovery faster by improving patient compliance and clinician productivity, as well as reducing the cost for the care-providers. Besides, patients experience evidence-based recovery from the comfort of their home, which is fun and effective!
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Vasundhara Kandarpa
Revvand Rajesh
Gauthama Siddarth
Anirudh Shrinivason

We at .doc aim to enable a strong, bonded network of doctors from various specialities across the country who collaborate using the AskDr platform to become better learners and practitioners. We envision to create a safe and secure platform for doctors to have closed discussions about anonymised patient cases and approaches to patient management and revolutionise continuing medical education for our healthcare professionals. MGC has been an eye-opening journey thus far. It has allowed us to get involved in health promotion while gaining exposure to new topics like marketing strategies and design thinking. We find it very enjoyable yet challenging!
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L Krishaa
Puravi Panda
Lindy Quek
Lim Kia Teng
Faith How Yuan Xin

19,000 patients in Singapore are diagnosed with diabetes yearly, with more than one third found to be noncompliant. The complications of chronic diseases have also been debilitating – from 1990 to 2017, a stark increase of 46.2% in the number of Disease Associated Life Years merely attributed to diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney diseases alone was observed. To provide holistic and consistent care for chronic disease patients beyond the clinic, our mobile application, myHealth, facilitates efficient collaborations between different healthcare providers. With just one tap, effective tracking of patients’ vitals, medications and healthcare habits engenders competent chronic disease management.
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Lin Hong Yi
Teo Yao Neng
Trina Priscilla Ng
Yang Yuze
Wong Chloe
Isaiah Koh Ming Yew
Friscilia Sultan

We are a team of students from the NUS faculties of Computing, Business, Engineering, and Medicine. With the belief in the importance of preventive care to reduce the incidence of diabetic foot ulcers, we have spent the past few months finding the best way to come up with a suitable home monitoring system for diabetics. Our screening modalities include the use of a low-cost pressure-sensing mat, and an application equipped with step-counting functionalities. With this information, patients are empowered to better manage their condition, and care teams will be able to telemonitor the patient’s feet health.

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Project Contagion

Sharen D/O Asif
Cheryl Chua Wan Xuan
Rachel Tan Yu Jie
Tran Linh Chi

Our team aspires to raise awareness and inculcate future generations with the necessary knowledge to react in a situation of disease outbreaks. And so, we have designed Contagion! Contagion is an educational, strategy-based card game, revolving around infectious diseases. This game aims to strengthen the public’s comprehension and bridge gaps that have surfaced in the lack of public education on infectious diseases. We focus on educating youths with knowledge about different types of infectious disease as well as prevention techniques; so as to better prepare themselves for such a situation. With Contagion, we make learning infectious diseases fun and simplified!

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ARMAS: Fabric-Based Exoskeleton Suit for Nurses

Lydia Chong Ching Yee
Lin Jing Wen
Rustam Shariq Mujtaba
Christopher Mark Kuek

ARMAS Robotics is a start-up that aims to develop healthcare solutions for Nurses. With many nursing professionals getting musculoskeletal injuries from their strenuous work, ARMAS’ soft fabric-based powered exoskeleton is able to intervene by preventing workplace injuries and lightening heavy load.
The suit will be marketed towards hospitals and nursing homes, where nurses are more inclined to long-term care and more strenuous engagement with patients. The MGC ARMAS Team has conducted clinically-relevant market research to further refine the exoskeleton design to suit clinical work.
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Project M

Gabriel Ong Feng Sheng
Tey Ying Qi
Shaun Ang
Lee Cheng Leng
Charlene Goh

Why Project M? The M stands for Migrant workers, Mental health and Mindfulness. These are 3 key aspects our project is committed to work on. The COVID-19 pandemic has been disproportionately affecting the migrant worker community in Singapore. We empathize deeply with their plight and decided to embark on this project to make a positive impact, however small, on their lives. Inspired by the many NGOs we’ve collaborated with, “Our Brothers, Our People’’ became our motto. We strive to improve the mental and physical well-being of our migrant brothers and hope to bridge the gap between them and Singaporeans.

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Project Altherapy

Ho Yi Jie
John Tan Wen Yu
Kaye Tan Kai Yi
Pham Trung Viet

Alternative therapies like TCM and acupuncture are surrounded by a shroud of mystery. Our product aims to clear this shroud. We have created a digital platform for users to pose questions to healthcare professionals, with a focus on alternative therapies. It also features an evidence-based database of articles about various alternative therapies. By bridging healthcare providers and patients, while raising awareness of and legitimizing the alternative medicine scene, we can make alternative therapy safer yet more accessible. Alternative therapies must be better integrated with conventional medicine, empowering both users and healthcare providers to choose the best options for optimal outcomes.
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Med Scientists

Lim Yap Kai
Chia Jia-Xi, Kymie
Chew Hoa Shen
Muhammad Niaaz Wahab
Lim Joon Wei
Low Kye Wern, Chelsea
Heung Jun Jie, Ethan

Drastic lifestyle changes are becoming more commonplace in view of COVID-19, speeding up the inevitable to get us to embrace technology more readily. Stuck in our homes, this is not more applicable than in Virtual Reality, in the realm of gaming or construction. One overlooked demographic in our society is the elderly. Often quickly shunned as technology illiterate, tech has been focused on the young and savvy, and have yet to cater to the elderlies completely. We at Med Scientists are trying to fix that - to make rehabilitation technology more accessible to elderly and their needs.
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LadyBug: Women's Health Digital Community

Gan Ming Ying
Teo Chong Boon
Gan Ming Yi
Gwyneth Calista Cheok

Women have unique health problems that should be addressed holistically. Regardless of age, women are likely to have questions regarding their health. Despite the Internet being the most popular means through which women seek answers to health-related questions, there is a lack of online platforms providing reliable and personalised information for women who need it.
LadyBug is a physician-moderated medical Q&A platform, where women can ask women’s health-related questions, and have them answered by accredited doctors for free. Our vision is to empower women, through enabling them to take ownership of their heath.
Let us know, what’s bugging you?

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Call The Shots

Teo Shuo Ling
Lee Wei Liang Randal
Goh Wei Soong Gordon

Call The Shots was created by medical students amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, where much hope has been placed on vaccinations as a golden bullet for many diseases.

We aim to raise general awareness about vaccinations in the National Adult Immunisation Scheme (NAIS), counter vaccine misinformation, and boost vaccine uptake rates.

We plan to market an interactive digital platform that: 1) Quizzes user’s understanding on vaccines; 2) Provides infographic materials covering gaps in essential vaccine knowledge; 3) Hosts a Q&A forum, answered by local doctors, to address queries; 4) Recommends other veritable sources on vaccines and health issues.
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Clare Cheong Wei Zhen
Wymann Tang
Nathaniel Liew
Jackie Sim
Rachel Goon Hui Zhen
Hazel Soh Pei Lin

Fact or fiction: The biggest guy in the gym has the most reliable facts about fitness.
Fact or fiction: It is best to consult your physician before starting on any exercise program.
We believe in the second statement.

Hello! We’re a group of Year 3 medical students from the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine. We’re working with Brian, the co-founder of AskDr, a fantastic platform to get your medical questions answered digitally, and Chloe, an emergency doctor with her own spin studio Axiom.

Together, we hope to make AskDr the platform where different communities meet to get questions on fitness answered by reliable healthcare / fitness professionals. We noticed a trend of misinformation or lack of information with regards to fitness, and we hope to harness the bridging power of AskDr to bring reputable and reliable medical knowledge from health / fitness professionals to the layman.
## Hotspot ### Tooltip HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_95BCC6CA_98D8_5F9B_41C2_4263D27A10D9.toolTip = Nascent Teams Category HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_95F12683_98D8_3F88_41C0_6E8AE43D4C79.toolTip = To Exhibition HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_96C8B198_98DB_F5B8_41CB_57D5F53694AF.toolTip = To Auditorium HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_96C8E198_98DB_F5B8_41C6_1CC90EA10746.toolTip = Open Teams Category HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_C1F6774D_CE3D_225F_41DB_490943EB8494.toolTip = Register here for the Finale Night webinar! HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DE228BA9_CE33_22C7_41DA_AF38BC0B2169.toolTip = Register here for the Finale Night webinar! HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_DE2985C1_CE33_6646_41D5_E35AD2758CDC.toolTip = Register here for the Finale Night webinar! ## Action ### URL LinkBehaviour_BB24A2F9_9938_4E32_41DB_8A64061D458E.source = https://medicine.nus.edu.sg/cenmed/mgc/index.html LinkBehaviour_C1E1B1CD_CE3D_5E5E_41DB_B2C79573D883.source = http://nus.edu/2CctBmV LinkBehaviour_D7B3DC8C_D8C3_C786_41CB_4D0384D43B84.source = https://www.facebook.com/nusmgc/ LinkBehaviour_D7B3EC8C_D8C3_C786_41E6_8152573E5F1D.source = https://www.instagram.com/nusmgc/?hl=en LinkBehaviour_D7BD7C8B_D8C3_C782_41DC_E7C78460B3D4.source = https://www.instagram.com/nusmgc/?hl=en LinkBehaviour_D7BDBC8B_D8C3_C782_41DE_CB922A1397A4.source = https://www.facebook.com/nusmgc/ LinkBehaviour_D7BF7C88_D8C3_C78E_41E7_AA729CBCA392.source = https://www.instagram.com/nusmgc/?hl=en LinkBehaviour_D7BFBC88_D8C3_C78E_41DC_4831AAFECAC6.source = https://www.facebook.com/nusmgc/ LinkBehaviour_DE213BAA_CE33_22C5_41E9_638BFB7D8F4D.source = http://nus.edu/2CctBmV LinkBehaviour_DE2865C2_CE33_664A_41E2_5635FB5861BA.source = http://nus.edu/2CctBmV