Medical Education Unit: 5th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference


Thank you for attending the 5th APMEC.



You can view the photos and slides (restricted access) of the conference here.

Conference Dates
Pre-Conference Workshops
24th - 25th January 2008
Main Conference
26th - 27th January 2008
Post-Conference Workshop
28th January 2008

We cordially invite you to join us in the 5th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) to learn about “Medical Education in a Flat World”. Recent globalisation has influenced medical education on several fronts: knowledge beyond borders, patients beyond borders, doctors beyond borders, and diseases beyond borders. As in our past four APMECs, several world renowned medical educators have been invited and already accepted our invitation to address these challenges, review major issues relating to globalisation of medical education and to run workshops at the conference.

Do register early to avoid disappointment. Please apply for visa early if you need one. Information on visa application can be found here

Organised by:

SME-CME accreditation is being finalised.

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Last updated on 20 February, 2008